... Lenin’s contrasting views, thus giving rise to hybrid imperialism. It is under this very condition that the fading world order is slowly but steadily being replaced by a new one, which makes many wonder what it will be like to live under the multipolar world order.
In a system where nationalism contradicts globalism, multipolarity seems to be the most conciliatory force that can emancipate the world from the crippling effects of unipolar dominance in the era of hybrid imperialism. The critical question in the face of this change ...
The pandemic and the new economic recession have generated public demand for paternalist strategies in domestic policy and for nationalism in foreign policy. In the last few decades, this demand has never been stronger. State leaders have gained unprecedented ... ... claim to creating a global “unipolar world” are coming to an end with a new, revised and enlarged edition of the Westphalian world order?
Yet, after the pandemic and the structural global economic crisis, the “return to Westphalia” concept needs at ...
... and unlawful generalizations, I will nevertheless take the liberty of naming four basic characteristics of neo-modernism that stand in opposition to the four post-modern tenets, which until recently were considered generally accepted.
, it is nationalism. All heralds of the new era invariably emphasize specific national interests of their countries as opposed to post-modernists’ global universalism. It is quite noteworthy that during his election campaign Donald Trump spoke not about ...