Search: AI,Technology (5 materials)

US Technology Policy amid Rivalry with China

... as the primary sponsor of research and development in the United States. [14] Let’s delve into some segments of the IT industry where the United States demonstrates high performance. Artificial Intelligence US authorities believe that dominance in AI technology will be crucial for the global military and economic competition. [15] The greatest achievements in AI primarily come from US tech giants such as Google and Microsoft, positioning them at the forefront of AI research and development. [16] ...


Despite the Hype, Artificial Intelligence Remains Inferior to the Human Brain

... devices and algorithms, the brain is software and hardware rolled into one? Too much uncertainty remains. If neuroscience is an inchoate field riddled with myriad questions and gaps, what of its simpler subset — artificial intelligence? Can an embryonic technology invented by humans suddenly spring to life and threaten mankind? If we cannot fully understand how the human brain works or even define sentience, why are we cutting and pasting plots from sci-fi flicks onto our reality? There is a hypothetical chance that artificial intelligence does pose a real threat within a narrow spectrum. Poor software designs, rushed developmental ...


Digitalization Going Green

For digitalization’s “engine” to run safely and smoothly, it needs greener “oil” Digitalization accompanies and drives modern human development. It has led to a huge boom in the volume of available information and its streamlining. Additionally, it has led to increasing the speed of decision-making, and simplified means of communication amid decreasing business travel intensity, and the volume of resources required for traditional correspondence....


RAI. Remotely Accessible Intelligence

... In the course of history, intelligence was a technology always in extremely short supply, and mass implementation of complex intelligence forms only became possible after the invention of mechanical movable type printing and related popular reading technology [ 2 ]. Widespread reading was exactly that: an already readily-available way to cultivate protein hardware, protein firmware, so that the protein was capable of supporting subtle intelligent patterns on its tissue of neuron pathways. This whole class of objects of our individual and collective consciousness — theories,...


AI Nationalism and AI Nationalization Are ahead

... engineers is to engage in select national-security projects, not to shun them all.” Allen writes about Google’s proposals to recuse themselves from participating in Project Maven: “Such recusals create a great moral hazard. Incorporating advanced AI technology into the military is as inevitable as incorporating electricity once was, and this transition is fraught with ethical and technological risks. It will take input from talented AI researchers, including those at companies such as Google, to ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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