Search: Central Asia,Afghanistan (23 materials)


Afghanistan and Regional Security: Scenarios for the Future

... would essentially mirror the events of that period, undoing all current trends toward a gradual and sustainable settlement. Afghanistan’s territory would once again become a base for international terrorist groups, where threats much greater than those ... ... member states and other regional stakeholders. Alexandra Perminova: The Role of the SCO in Ensuring Water and Energy Security in Central Asia: Opportunities for Russia – China Cooperation There are symptoms or signs pointing to the possibility of this scenario....


How SCO Contributes to Security in Eurasia

... SCO nations. First of all, this is due to differences in approaches of the member states to understanding how to interact with Afghanistan under the leadership of the Taliban (the movement is recognized as a terrorist organization and its activities are ... ... the CSTO, especially since a number of countries, including Russia, are members of both structures. Moreover, if we take the Central Asian track, it is the CSTO that remains the real guarantor of high-level security for the countries of the region in ...


The 8th International Meeting of Intellectuals takes Place in Pyatigorsk

... COVID-19 pandemic on politics and the economy. The participants of the conference also touched demographic, environmental, climatic, economic, and educational issues. In the framework of the regional issues, there was a discussion on China, the Middle East, Central Asia, and the situation in Afghanistan. On the RIAC side, the meeting was attended by: Dmitry Suslov, Deputy Director at the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies, RIAC Member; Georgi Asatrian, Research Fellow at the Institute of Scientific Information for ...


Experts from Russia, India and Iran Discuss Developments in Afghanistan

On October 6, 2021, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF, India), and Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS, Iran) held a joint roundtable “Developments in Afghanistan and their regional implications: Russian, Indian and Iranian Perspectives” On October 6, 2021, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF, India), and Institute for Political and International ...


Prospects and Scenarios for Afghanistan: Russian and Chinese Interests

... countries are CSTO members, and they are quite willing to enhance cooperation in the fight against terrorism, separatism and religious extremism. 3. Combatting Cross-Border Terrorism Russia is keen to combat cross-border terrorism along the axis of AfghanistanCentral Asia—Russia as well as along the contour of Afghanistan—the Middle East—Russia. The threat of militia entering Russia from the Middle East and Afghanistan via Central Asia persists. The same goes for Xinjiang, China, via the respective corridors....


Afghanistan and Regional Security Problems

... value of any potential deal with the Taliban is apparently not entirely clear to Russia, China or any of the Central Asian countries The value of any potential deal with the Taliban is apparently not entirely clear to Russia, China or any of the Central Asian countries. As a rule, they combine active diplomacy towards Afghanistan with active military preparations, writes Valdai Club expert Vasily Kashin. The defeat and abrupt withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan, coupled with the instant collapse of the regime it had built in that country, has raised the ...


The Role and Place of the Taliban on the Global Map of Islam: Challenges and Threats

... as the revolutionary events unfolded in Iran. Rather, both the Iranian Revolution and the uprising of the Muslim Brotherhood of Syria were links in the same chain, attesting to the growth of Islamist sentiments in the Middle East. Andrey Kazantsev: Afghanistan Crisis: Security Problems for Russia and Central Asian States Today, the various groups that stand for moderate Islam are wondering whether it was a mistake to strive towards democracy, using its institutions to seize power. We are, in fact, referring to the events in Egypt in 2013 and Tunisia ...


Afghanistan Crisis: Security Problems for Russia and Central Asian States

... Libya”. There is also the issue of “terrorist emigration” by militants of Central Asian origins who might either return home from the Middle East (posing a threat of terrorist attack in their home states), or else go to fight in the neighboring Afghanistan. Central Asian militants present a regional and global terrorist threat. In 2017 alone, they carried out four major terrorist attacks in the U.S., Turkey, Sweden and Russia. Russia, just like the global community as a whole, is therefore interested in ...


Russian and Chinese experts compare notes on Afghanistan

... Programs, moderated the discussion. The experts expressed their views on what is to be done in the current circumstances by the international community, Moscow and Beijing. They also suggested scenarios of the further development of the situation in Afghanistan and Central Asia. Russian and Chinese participants highlighted the importance of discussing the Afghanistan problems with other international partners and of using multilateral mechanisms, mainly the SCO – Afghanistan contact group, more systemically.


Power without Soft Power: China’s Outreach to Central Asia

... religion of the Central Asian peoples) and the end of the Soviet Union (atheistic policy), which is nowadays leading to growing diplomatic divergences between China and the neighboring states. Chinese Politics in Central Asia Beijing’s approach to Central Asia and Afghanistan is not comparable to that of the United States or the Soviet Union in that Beijing is offering to deploy its military troops as compensation for paying the debts of countries, with the agreement of the local governments. As of today, all Central ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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