Search: Central Asia,Eurasia (8 materials)

Russia and Central Asia: Relations Beyond the ‘Shadow of War’

... statehood of Russia and the Central Asian countries affects their ability to ensure that sustainable cooperation grows on the solid foundation of our relations. This is what our common neighbours in China, Iran and Afghanistan expect from Russia and Central Asia, as well as the other major powers of Eurasia, such as, for example, India. Now, when cooperation between Russia and the Central Asian countries is reaching a new level, it seems important to pay attention to several issues that will arise in the near future. First, this means managing the ...


Russian-Chinese Dialogue: The 2024 Model

... global economic development combined to unsettle the balance of global and regional security. The annual report produced jointly by RIAC, ICCA RAS and the Fudan University focuses on the political and economic engagement between Moscow and Beijing in Central Asia and Eurasia as the key region of their shared interest. The report contains data monitoring the evolution of bilateral ties in business and trade, banking and finance, transport and logistics, and humanitarian sectors. Recommendations for relevant ministries ...


Russian–Chinese Dialogue: The 2022 Model

... period when international environment and increasing global confrontation significantly influenced Moscow— Beijing relations. The authors of the report concentrate on how recent international events influence Russia’s and China’s positions in Eurasia, the prospects of and conditions for the regional development. The report also traditionally looks into main achievements and difficulties of the bilateral agenda. Authors: From Russia: Kirill Babaev, Dr. of Philological Studies (Head); Аndrey ...


RIAC — DGAP Roundtable on Cooperation in Eurasia

On December 4, 2019, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) in cooperation with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) hosted a round table discussion related to “The Future of Eurasia: Mapping out Concepts, Practices for Possible Russia-EU-China Cooperation” in the framework of Russia-EU-China-Central Asia Strategic Dialogue on Connectivity On December 4, 2019, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) in cooperation with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) hosted a round table discussion related to “The Future of Eurasia: ...


Connecting Eurasia: Is Cooperation between Russia, China, and the EU in Central Asia Possible?

... conflict in Ukraine but also because the EU has several concerns about the incomplete nature of the EAEU as a customs and economic union. Sino-Russian cooperation: a rhetorical reality Zachary Paikin: Orders Within Orders: A New Paradigm for Greater Eurasia Cooperation on connectivity in Central Asia may seem more likely when it comes to Russia and China. Many experts argue that the tensions between the West and Russia over Crimea and the conflict in Ukraine have pushed Russia towards the East, including towards China. Russia and China ...


The Elephant in the Room: Views on Connectivity

RIAC and DGAP held a roundtable "Connecting Eurasia: EU — Russia — China — Central Asia Strategic dialogue on connectivity". Maria Smekalova discussed the meaning of connectivity and the ongoing projects with Fabienne Bossuyt and Feng Shaolei On December 4, 2018, in cooperation with DGAP RIAC held a roundtable “ Connecting ...


Rise of China’s Export Credit Policy Insurance in Eurasia

... agreed between China Development Bank and Russian’s state development bank Vnesheconombank. The development of Sinosure into external geographies changes the fundamental dynamics of international trade and investment. Its underwriting activities in Central Asia and the Caucasus reveal the shadow of China's future external industrial policy in Eurasia. Policy insurance underwriting policy banking is the guiding institutional factor in international development finance in China’s Belt and Road geoeconomic strategy. But the ability of China’s banking system to price and effectively respond ...


Energy security issues in Eurasia discussed at BMW Foundation event

... cooperation with Eurasia”, which was organised by the BMW Foundation with the assistance of the Earth Security Group analytical centre, took place from 11-14 June 2015 in Lusławice, Poland. The discussion was devoted to problems related to Eurasian energy security and the search for new opportunities for energy cooperation between the countries of Europe, Central Asia and other rapidly growing economies, including Russia. The topics addressed included proposals from the roundtable participants on the possible principles for the operation of the future EU Energy Union and the need to use the potential of ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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