... to Russia and Azerbaijan alike. Restoring transport links among the South Caucasus nations will help cultivate both economic and political relations within the region and will also have a positive effect on the development of cooperation between the South Caucasus and Central Asia.
The 3+3 consultative regional platform is currently one of the main promising negotiation forums in the South Caucasus. This cooperation mechanism is becoming increasingly more relevant amid the post-conflict development in the region. The ...
... two-part article is to enlighten Russian decision makers about everything of significance related to their country’s unofficial “Ummah Pivot”.
North Africa: All Eyes on Libya
Beginning from North Africa and moving eastward through the Levant, Gulf, South Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia and South Asia, the first-mentioned region is plagued by the security threats emanating from the war-torn Libya, where a slew of external powers is competing to shape the outcome of its ongoing civil war. First and foremost among them are ...
... parties to the conflict leave no hope of any speedy settlement. An optimistic scenario, and Russia's objective, would be to maintain a balance and good relations with both parties and make sure that no significant conflicts break out in the coming decade.
Central Asia: Region X
Federica Prandin:
The EU and Russia in Central Asia: Is There Any Room for Cooperation?
Central Asia does not attract as much media attention as Ukraine or the Baltic states, which is a fundamental mistake. Russia's “soft underbelly” ...
... Union’s dissolution is still not completely finished. The evidence of this hypothesis is the situation in Ukraine and in the South Caucasus.
Evgeny Kozhokin, Vice Rector for Research of the MGIMO-University and RIAC member, expressed an opinion that one ... ... the Analytical Centre of Institute of International Studies, MGIMO University and RIAC expert, spoke about the situation in Central Asia. He stated that decline in economic migrants’ remittances affected Tajikistan’s and Uzbekistan’s ...