Search: China,Eurasia (30 materials)


Russian-Chinese Dialogue: The 2024 Model

... RAS and the Fudan University focuses on the political and economic engagement between Moscow and Beijing in Central Asia and Eurasia as the key region of their shared interest. The report contains data monitoring the evolution of bilateral ties in business ... ... in History, Artem Pylin, Ph.D. in Economics, Sergey Sazonov, Ph.D. in Economics, Sergey Tsyplakov, Ph.D. in Economics. From China: Li Jianmin, Ph.D. in Economics, Liu Huaqin, Ph.D. in Economics, Liu Qian, Ph.D. in Economics, Ma Bin, Ph.D. in Law, Xu ...


“Russian-Chinese Dialogue: The 2024 Model” Report Presentation at the Rossiya Segodnya Agency

... organisational and legal infrastructure for more systematic security, economic development and financial relations. The Russia-India-China (RIC) format of interaction that has existed since 2002 is extremely important today, as it unites the three leading Eurasian powers by various parameters: Russia is the largest nuclear power, China is the largest economy, and India is the largest country in terms of population. If the three states can reach an agreement, it will be a significant step towards Eurasian unity. More active work is now underway to strengthen the interaction of ...


Past the Point of No Return

... Superpower It was essential that in Beijing Chairman Xi and President Putin did not limit themselves do discussing the bilateral China-Russia agenda, no matter how important this agenda appears to be. On top of talking about trade, investments, R&D, education,... ... disintegration of the old international system and on what should replace it. The core of the new system is going to emerge in Eurasia, which remains not only the most populous, but also the most dynamic and economically potent continent of our planet. ...


Outlook for Turkmenistan as Eurasia’s Transport Hub

... Elections: What to Expect from the New Head of State? After the break-up of the Soviet Union, new players appeared on the map of Eurasia, which were actively involved by Western countries in their transportation and logistics projects bypassing Russia. Central ... ... Caucasus. The project of multimodal Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TMTM) was put forward to deliver cargoes from China to Europe via Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea and South Caucasus, bypassing Russia. The U.S., in turn, promoted the idea of ...


Russia’s Turn to the East: Between Choice and Necessity

... countries over the past 10 years. Relations between Moscow and Beijing are of a strategic nature, they are united by a common vision of a just international order, in which there will be no place for the dominance of a narrow group of states. Russia and China are jointly responsible for the stability of a huge part of Eurasia. Bilateral trade and economic relations are developing with the understanding that at some point Russia and China will indeed have to complement each other; as Chinese authors put it, “stand back to back” and jointly resist the attempts of ...


Russian–Chinese Dialogue: The 2022 Model

... quarter of 2022. That was the period when international environment and increasing global confrontation significantly influenced Moscow— Beijing relations. The authors of the report concentrate on how recent international events influence Russia’s and China’s positions in Eurasia, the prospects of and conditions for the regional development. The report also traditionally looks into main achievements and difficulties of the bilateral agenda. Authors: From Russia: Kirill Babaev, Dr. of Philological Studies (Head); Аndrey ...


What Is a Sovereign State?

... contributes to the gradual strengthening of their sovereignty. These republics behave adequately to the power composition of Eurasia because they know how to look at the map. Although in the case of Georgia, the development of this skill does not take ... ... in addition, is considered by individual regimes as a kind of ideal “guarantee” that the bigger neighbours — Russia or China — could more insistently indicate to their small neighbours their place in the geopolitical position. However, this international ...


Putin’s Ukraine Pushback: Existential War & The Moment of Rupture

... of the Stalin-Mao 30-year treaty of Friendship and Cooperation while reshaping it in a manner explicable and acceptable to India. The interlock of the U.S.–NATO–EU in the West and the AUKUS in the East can only be balanced off by an alternative Eurasian community or system, with its structures and superstructures, embracing Russia and China, and constituting an alternative antipode or counterpoint. Sovereignty & Self-determination Some problems cannot be avoided but must be grappled with instead. These problems exist in the domains of the conceptual and of political strategy. Grappling ...


Towards Increasingly Complex Multipolarity: Scenario for the Future

... “Deep State” The Democrats—or rather the “deep state” forces behind them—evidently realized the strategic wisdom of Trump’s grand vision of repairing relations with Russia so that the U.S. can concentrate more fully on “containing” China. This is not due to any newfound appreciation of the Eurasian great power, which many of them still hate with a passion on account of its pragmatic dealings with Trump and implementation of conservative policies that contradict the much more liberal approach preferred by American elites, but due to simple ...


Eight Principles of the “Greater Eurasian Partnership”

... individual states or their regional groups in its activities. As they are ready, these countries may join individual dimensions of the Partnership (trade, finance, infrastructure, visa, etc.) with due account of their current needs and capabilities. Russia–China Dialogue: The 2020 Model. RIAC, Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International Studies at Fudan University Report Fifth, even though the Partnership is focused on the economic unification of the Eurasian continent, the expansion of economic interaction will inevitably influence other areas of cooperation, such as science and education, culture and humanitarian contacts. Eurasian integration will fail if it is reduced to increasing trade and investment....


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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