Search: China,Extremism (5 materials)

Confederation of Sahel States and Disintegration of ECOWAS

... millet by 6.4% and meat by 5.2% after the sanctions were imposed. Moreover, a $400 million deal to export crude oil from Niger to China via a pipeline linking the Agadem field to Benin’s port was delayed and put at risk. Even after ECOWAS lifted its sanctions,... ... action—quit the association and form new alliances. They also believed that ECOWAS not only failed to help them in combating Islamic extremism, but instead weakened their positions by imposing sanctions. Indeed, ECOWAS, which in the 1990s and 2010s sought to ...


Changes in Afghanistan: Regional and International Implications

... simply a political issue, but a religious issue as well. Religious ideology has an important influence on policy orientation. Extremism and terrorism are inseparable, and pursuit of extremist religious ideology cannot help but support terrorism in policy.... ... trend toward strategic retrenchment. Biden’s rationale for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan is to focus on dealing with China’s challenges, but that explanation is not entirely accepted. Opponents in the U.S. say keeping military bases in Afghanistan ...


Hooray for Hollywood!

As combat aircraft from Russia and the United States shadow each other over Syrian airspace, director Steven Spielberg has created an Oscar-quality film about what happened when the Soviet Union shot down an American spy plane near Sverdlovsk on May 1st 1960. The event was a major embarrassment to the Eisenhower administration, which got caught by its own lies. The U-2 affair effectively scuttled the Paris “peace summit” between Eisenhower, Khruschev, deGaulle and MacMillan that was...


BRICS and food security

... designed to make the group a key player in the global food security regime. But they did. Now the world is waiting. From a moral and business ethics perspective the effort makes sense and can add value to the BRICS brand. But success depends on China, India and Brazil, who are impacted by drought and infrastructure problems that step on their economic performance. And Russia is dealing with a sanctions regime that includes food, orchestrated by Washington and its European allies. BRICS food ...


Iron ore and steel. Strategic, volatile and primed for conflict

... Kong-based HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Co Ltd (HKND Group). The company is led by Wang Jing, a powerful player in China's telecommunications sector who has close ties with the leadership in Beijing. If construction actually starts this ... ... to further their own agendas connected with overall logistics and the politics of mediating or turning a blind eye to global extremism. The essay posted here represents the personal views of this blogger on the current status of the globalization of ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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