Search: China,Globalization (9 materials)

Three Core Concepts of Sino-Russian International Cooperation

... globalization was a major trend in the world's development and that it had a positive significance for the development of the world economy. However, unlike multipolarity, there are major differences between the positions of China and Russia on economic globalization. China has a very positive attitude towards economic globalization and shows a high degree of activism. Although Russia has kept the promotion of economic globalization in common documents between China and Russia, such as the Joint Statement on Deepening ...


No Nation Is an Island: How China's Development Impacts the World

... organisms safety standards, if the Chinese are not in the room. No wonder that Beijing is so interested in keeping global trade open and unconstrained. At the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping had sent a clear message that China advances globalization and the multilateral trading system and opposes protectionism. Still, it is not only about numbers. It is even more important that China is in the vanguard of the transition to a new model of sustainable economy, and it assists other nations ...


RIAC at 16th Beijing Forum

Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General, took part in the Forum and made a report on the changing perceptions of globalization processes in the modern world at the session on the new world order On November 1­–3, 2019, in Beijing, Peking University together with the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies co-hosted ...


Russian–Chinese Dialogue: The 2019 Model

... The 5th annual report by RIAC, RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies and the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University presents the сommon views of leading Russian and Chinese international affairs experts on the development of Russia–China cooperation in 2018 and the first quarter of 2019. The authors analyze the dynamics of Russia–China interaction on the most pressing matters of international and regional agendas against the backdrop of increasing external pressure. They assess ...


For Whom the Bell Tolls: A Note on John J. Mearsheimer’s Article on the Collapse of the Liberal International Order

... financial crisis. Mearsheimer predicts crises in the Eurozone and the weakening of the euro as the European Union made little progress in establishing a fiscal and political union. Mearsheimer dedicates a separate section of his paper to the engagement of China in globalization processes. Until D. Trump came to power in 2017, Western elites, in keeping with their policy of engaging, and not containing, China, were deeply committed to integrating China into the world economy, including all of its key economic institutions....


Geopolitics and Relations among Major Powers

... level — could be gradually built on similar partnerships — big and small, bilateral and multilateral. Of course, Russia and China should not try to impose their experience on anybody, but this experience is likely to be of interest to many international ... ... apply this ancient Chinese saying to describe the current state of the world. The humankind has entered unchartered waters of globalization. Our common ship can sink in these dangerous waters, or it can reach new shores of development and prosperity. It ...


Beyond the Right Side of History

... another by offering the grimmest description of events. They link the malicious activities of global revisionists – such as China and Russia – with public and political changes taking place in Western countries. They claim that all of this together,... ... spoke about the inevitability of world socialist revolution, while Fukuyama saw a different goal, but universal all the same. Globalization played a bad joke on everyone. It made world politics all-embracing by increasing the number of relevant actors....


RIAC Took Part in the 6th World Peace Forum

... affects security by merging local, regional and global security problems and shaping an entirely new global security agenda. For the first time in history, security becomes truly indivisible. There never was, nor could there ever be, a consensus on globalization. As Chairman of China Xi Jinping wisely remarked in his speech at the Davos Economic Forum in January of this year, “globalization was once viewed as the treasure cave found by Ali Baba in the Arabian Nights, but it has now become the Pandora’s Box in the eyes of ...


The world order in 2033: More risks, less predictability

... priorities and advantages in a multipolar world. To learn to use its “undervalued” assets. And believe me, it has many. China needs the wisdom not to be dragged into a race for the sake of the race. That could prove fatal, for all the country’s ... ... world in 2033? The problem with most forecasts is that they see the world roughly as it is today, only more advanced, i.e., more globalization, more trade, more Internet, etc. Most of these forecasts do not come true. There is always a “black swan” ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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