... for those that follow my blog, as promised in one of my earliest post's, I ask Mitrova about the validity of Mikhail Krutikhin's (leading Russian energy critic) standpoint on the possibility of subsidising the Chinese consumers with Russian ... ... of East Siberia and the Far East:
In the minds of many Russians a deep sociological fear exists of a Siberian takeover by China, either indirectly via immigration/demographic asymmetry, or directly by an invasion. In a former more plausible case, many ...
... breakeven. Currently, Rosneft annually gets $1 billion in federal taxpayer’s money for projects that do not breakeven; Krutikhin quotes Alexey Miller, Gazprom’s CEO, that by 2018 this sum could be a huge $127 billion for the whole sector. Krutikhin says the Eastern Expansion Project needs particular attention; for instance in respect to gas, China opposes paying over $290 per 1000 cubic meters, which is $110 cheaper per measure in contrast to the European consumers, whilst gas is also only really needed in Manchuria. So, not to exacerbate, resources must be price competitive to make alternatives ...