... between the two nations saw its biggest growth between 2005 and 2015, but in recent years there has been a decline in Cuban–Chinese interaction. Although Cuba joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative in 2018, meaningful results have yet to materialize. Latin American countries account for one-third of Cuban foreign trade, with Brazil’s share at just 3.2%. The expansion of trade and economic relations with Russia has
its share in Cuba’s trade to 7%. Strengthening foreign economic relations is, therefore, a top priority for Cuba.
... 1st innaguration of president-elect Bolsonaro in Brasilia. Also ex-invited were another member of the Bolivarian Alliance, Cuba. For reasons not made clear the leaders of Bolivia and Nicaragua were not ex-invited. When the news about the "withdrawn" ... ... growing influence of narcocracies, and apologists for historically corrupt mainstream parties are alienating prospective voters in Latin America.This is happening at the very moment that their right to popular sovereignty is being threatened by social media ...
... beginning of the second term of Barack Obama’s presidency. The most telling gesture on the part of the US was its promise to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba (a complete lifting of economic sanctions is not yet on the agenda). Sanctions against Cuba, imposed back in the 1960s, have long marred US relations with the whole region of Latin America and the Caribbean, and many US analysts regard them as counterproductive. However, many observers have immediately noted the dual nature of American initiatives, qualifying them as an attempt to combine the new with the old: while announcing ...
Russia and China in the Latin American Arms Market. Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua
At Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation (MTC) session with Foreign States on January 27, 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin encouraged those present to seek out new markets, in particular mentioning Latin America. Soon afterwards,...