Search: Democracy (39 materials)


Countering Foreign Interference: Latest Trends

... be paid to a parallel process unfolding as states increasingly resist foreign influence. The issue at hand is the devaluation of democratic practices, in a way. The “thinning” of democratic participation is nothing new. The concepts of “elitist democracy” gained traction several decades ago, drawing on quite old ideas of Joseph Schumpeter. In simple terms, it is fair to say that this model assumes that ordinary people should have little to no involvement in real politics, limiting their role ...


On Chinese Democracy

As long as the country reports economic growth and people are fed and clothed, the Chinese interpretation of democracy and human rights will be supported by its people In recent years, China has been following the adage that “he who controls the discourse controls the world” with increasing vigour. That is, the first side to describe a given phenomenon,...


U.S.: On the Way to Right-Wing Coup and Civil War?

... a realistic checklist, “assessing each of the conditions that make civil war likely,” we have to conclude that the United States “has entered very dangerous territory.” She is hardly alone in that conclusion. The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance in Stockholm recently listed the U.S. as a “backsliding” democracy. Barbara Walter came to the conclusion that future civil war in the USA “… would look more like Northern Ireland and what Britain experienced,...


The Scandal in Denmark’s Military Intelligence: Too Much Transparency?

... speculations about the presence of such intelligence cooperation. The development of the scandal was also accompanied by pressure on key Danish media and editors. What does this scandal really mean for Denmark’s relations with key allies and Denmark’s democracy? Are there any significant implications whatsoever? Threat to Democracy? Daniel Iormark: European Society: Does It Exist and Is It Conceivable? Some accounts of the frictions with and within the FE are clearly emotionally and morally driven....


Innovation and Democracy: Great Interconnection

A review of “Global Quality of Democracy as Innovation Enabler: Measuring Democracy for Success” by David Campbell Book Review Mag. phil. Dr. phil. Campbell, David Friedrich James, PD (Privatdozent) . (2019). Global Quality of Democracy as Innovation Enabler. Measuring Democracy ...


What Is Democracy and How It Can Be Measured?

A review of “Global Quality of Democracy as Innovation Enabler: Measuring Democracy for Success” by David Campbell Introduction and scientific contexts Political science with a measuring tape In recent decades, one has witnessed the rise of a relatively new stream of social research ...


Is Socialism the Bright Future Awaiting America?

Politics in the US is becoming increasingly polarized, leaving millennials no other choice The sudden rise of far left members of the US House of Representatives has become one of the highlights of this political season in Washington. A particular object of attention has been the “Squad” formed by charismatic Democratic congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota), Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts), and Rashida Tlaib (Michigan). All four are capable, ambitious minority...


A Few Words in Defence of Francis Fukuyama

... Interest , it appears romantic, combative and naïve, but does Mikhail Gorbachev’s “new thinking” rhetoric of the same time look any less romantic and naïve? And which one of us was not a naïve romantic in 1989? Viewing western-type liberal democracy as the final stage of humanity’s development and as the universally optimal socio-political form, Fukuyama arrives at the conclusion that for states with a “stable democracy,” history in its traditional interpretation – with its conflicts ...


Mueller never heard our side

Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev tells Christiane Amanpour why he thinks the Mueller investigation was biased and "not a fair approach." Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev tells Christiane Amanpour why he thinks the Mueller investigation was biased and "not a fair approach Source: CNN


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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