... work closely with Iran, Russia, and China to mitigate U.S. ambitions in Gaza and beyond.
Legal and Moral Obligations to Protect Palestine
The OIC and the Arab League play a crucial role in advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people. The UN General ... ... sentiment against U.S. interventionist policies will be crucial in establishing a cohesive Arab front.
Final Remarks
President Donald Trump’s strategic objectives in Gaza illustrate the perilous implications of unchecked U.S. influence in global affairs....
... war crimes in Gaza or in the West Bank. It is also worth noting that back in 2018, Trump canceled U.S. funding for the UN’s Palestine refugee relief agency, UNRWA, which Biden partially resumed in 2021. The odds are that the second Trump Administration ... ... terminating all the activities of UNRWA on the territory of the country by the end of the year). This apparent unwillingness of Donald Trump to stand up for Palestinians despite a strong public support of the Palestinian rights inside the United States implies ...
... Islamophobia on the same level. The escape hatch for Biden’s media friends to prop him up is a growing narrative that if you do not like Biden’s bungling policy in supporting both Israel and Gaza, then you will be aghast on what former President Donald Trump will do to inflict pain on the Palestinians if he is elected.
Andrey Kortunov:
When “Iron Swords” Return to Their Sheaths
Let’s seriously look at the two leaders who have a track record as President on who could be better positioned ...
... decision will be difficult to stop, as the U.S. President does not back down from his word
The recent decision of President Donald Trump with regard to Jerusalem is just one more surprise in the endless series of surprises in the Middle East. Numerous ... ... of his family and personal lawyers.
It is true that Trump is not abandoning his policy of seeking a truce between Israel and Palestine. However, if we are to believe a leaked plan allegedly devised by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and submitted by ...