Search: EU,Georgia (4 materials)

Has this little country cracked the code of post-Soviet politics?

... years that no one has dared to speak openly about this fact in countries that claim to be part of the ‘community of liberal democracies’. And Georgia is one of those. Especially given that nobody there has abandoned the goal of joining NATO and the EU. The Georgian authorities are thus taking the liberty of directly contradicting the basic world order imposed on everyone by the Americans. Which is that the laws and norms of the UN apply to everyone except to the US itself. And since this case is not taking ...


A Reaction and a Reasoning of Georgian Political Establishment’s Backlash on Velvet Revolution in Armenia

..., meaning deconstruction of the Soviet-past and build-up of new pro-Western society with anti-Russian sentiments was impossible to implement. No new group of Georgian revolutionist-reformers was expected in Yerevan as it happened after the so-called Euromaidan in Ukraine. As a result, Georgian government simply waited the new political elites to be formed in Armenia to move on, while Georgian opposition forgot about it soon after. Processes in Armenia were merely at the table of Georgian political establishment at that time. Nowadays,...


Georgian “pro-Western” Petty Nationalism

... to say that the broader Georgian society was shocked by such behavior. The protesters, on the one hand, and the Western allies, on the other hand, simply broke the rules that the same Georgian society hardly achieved and was desperately protecting. EU ambassador to Georgia Pawel Herczynski was even forced to outline that the EU was not pushing Georgia to violence, keeping in the mind the civil war in the 90s. But the seals are already broken. Now, it is obvious that if in its interest, some part of the West may ...


Moving from a Zero-Sum to a Positive Sum Game: Can Georgia Provide the Blueprint for Regional Cooperation with both the EU and Russia

... association agreement with the European Union at the Vilnius Summit, little attention is being paid to the fact that Georgia initialed an association agreement with the EU at the Vilnius Summit. While Ukraine was not able to cooperate with both Russia and the EU, Georgia finds itself in the unique position of creating a blueprint for cooperation with both Russia and the EU that would benefit all of the states involved. Moreover, if this blueprint were to be developed by Russia, other states in the region could ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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