Experts discussed both the results of the latest European Parliament elections on June 6–9 and their importance for the further development of the European Union and its positioning in the international arena
On June 18, 2024, Dostoevsky Library hosted the Russian International Affairs Counsil (RIAC) Urban Breakfast “European Dream 2024”. Experts discussed both the results of the latest European ...
... Beijing. Let’s face it: the European Union is pretty tired of dealing with Russia, which is perceived more as a problem rather than as an opportunity.
For Moscow, it may be more worthwhile to send cautious, delicate and carefully planned signals to the European Union, especially given the differences mounting in Brussels’ relations with Washington and Beijing. By all means, we need to think about and tailor these signals now: the window of opportunity in terms of the new European Parliament’s receptiveness to new ideas from the outside will not remain open for very long.
The populist Eurosceptics have already become an influential force on the European stage, a force that may very well continue to grow. And the EU leaders ...
... big issue. In Brussels, talk follows conference as politicians and academics brainstorm together. With a report passed at the European Parliament’s last session this season, a viable path is clearing
The Copenhagen Dilemma is not a dilemma. Indeed,... ... national parliaments and signed by heads of state. It is also ignorant to deny the inherent political nature of the post-Lisbon European Union and that therefore the state of democracy in a member state affects the state of democracy in the Union as a whole....