Search: Georgia,Armenia (15 materials)


The Caucasus: Between East and West

... Meanwhile, Baku remains the largest trading partner of New Delhi. The Indian side exports USD 79.4 million worth of goods to the Caspian republic and imports USD 595 million worth of goods from Azerbaijan, which significantly exceeds the figures for Georgia and Armenia. Thus, the Caucasus region is going through not only “Westernization” but also “Easternization.” Poor prospects for integration If we try to describe the architecture of regional security in the Caucasus with a single formula or metaphor,...


A Reaction and a Reasoning of Georgian Political Establishment’s Backlash on Velvet Revolution in Armenia

... simply fell out. This detachment from non-West-oriented states/regions grew over the years and caused a significant gap between Georgian elites and the rest of the majority of neighboring states. We may firmly argue that current communication between Georgian and Armenian political elites, including academia, heavily rely on US/EU-funded programs and/or interpersonal initiatives. By and large, decision-makers in Tbilisi are focused only on those countries/areas that are in interest of the West; and Yerevan becomes ...


Ukrainian Crisis, Turkey and Eurasia: Who Wins?

... opportunities remain for the supply of their products to Russia through Kazakhstan without the sanctions regimes being violated. Their skilful implementation will benefit the country. Like Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan is benefiting from rising energy prices. Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan can be considered the main beneficiaries from migration from Russia. At the same time, the question of the stability of such a flow remains open. The Russian government has sent two important signals. The first is that the country ...


Blue Ocean Strategy for South Caucasus

... Nagorno-Karabakh is the latest example, as most of the ethnic quarrels in the South Caucasus are still ongoing since 1991, with Abkhazia and South Ossetia remaining de facto [ 1 ] independent from Georgia, while only one of the three recognized countries (Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan), Armenia, has managed to join a supranational framework [ 2 ]. In over three decades, the political-economic context of the region has deteriorated with a continuous decline in birth rates coupled with emigration, difficult economic ...


The Trans-Caucasus in 2019 Is Not a Monolithic Region

... ties with Russia than Armenia under Serzh Sargsyan’s presidency. Most likely, Moscow will be able to forgive Armenia’s Prime Minister any eccentric steps and populist revolutionary rhetoric as long as it does not break down the Russo-centrism of Armenia’s foreign policy. Georgia: The Bonds of Post-Sovietness In his article “Georgia: A Time of Anticipation”, Nikolay Silaev focused his attention on the country's flight from both Soviet and post-Soviet affiliation. In the meantime, both such kinds of affiliation are ...


Eastern Partnership Countries: Buffer Zone or Platform for Dialogue?

... Interaction Model Is Exhausting 2019 marks the 10 th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership, a political initiative the EU launched in 2009 for developing relations with six eastern countries of the former socialist bloc. The collaboration program with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine was primarily intended as a means for introducing these countries to the European experience and approaches to developing their economies, political institutions and civil society. Given current events, however, Russia has ...


Can the South Caucasus Conflicts Escalate into a Regional War?

... North Caucasus, the war of Russia and Turkey, etc. Another defrosting mechanism can be a regional war, which arose initially due to the escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh — Turkey, Russia and, less likely, Iran may be involved into a full-scale war of Armenia and Azerbaijan. This may also involve Georgia in these catastrophic processes. In this sense, the key to peace in the South Caucasus lies in Nagorno-Karabakh. The settlement or at least a deep freeze of this conflict can mitigate most of the regional military risks. 1 . Military Balance 2018....


Evolution of Post-Soviet Space: Past, Present and Future: An Anthology

This publication includes 53 articles analysing the main development trends in the post-Soviet space – both the geopolitical region as a whole and the individual countries that make it up. The anthology consists of three sections: the first section is retrospective in nature and looks at the post-Soviet space 20 years after the collapse of the USSR; the second section analyses the current state of the former Soviet nations; and the third section provides a number of forecasts for the development...


Armenia Plays a Positive Role in Improving Russian-Georgian Relations

... between Russia and Georgia, which are crucial both for Armenia and the whole region. "Armedia" IAA presents an exclusive interview with the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin on the implementation of the 2011 Agreement, the Russian-Georgian relations and Armenia's possible role. At the end of 2017 discussions on the implementation of the Russian-Georgian Agreement signed in 2011 were rather intensified. The agreement envisages the creation of alternative corridors between Russia and Georgia, which are ...


The Structure of Energy Politics in the South Caucasus: Grounds for Consolidation or Cooperation?

... make Russia see Azerbaijan as a potential opponent at the European market. The South Caucasus region cannot be regarded as a vital oil and gas market for the Russian Federation. Currently Russia provides only its strategic partner with energy – Armenia, while Georgia is partly dependent on Azeri exports, and Azerbaijan is self-sufficient. Even if Georgia decides to reject Azeri exports in favor of Russia, the region will not account for any vital part of the Russian export ratio. Russia does not export its ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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