There is a combination of factors that may contribute to easing the most confrontational aspects in Russian–German relations
The early elections to the Bundestag highlighted the irreversible transformation of German politics from a stable and somewhat boring process into a series of crises and scandals. Germany definitively bid farewell to the “Merkel era.” The government of Olaf Scholz took office in late 2021, handling the
legacy with utmost caution. Even after February 2022, changes in German politics were made with an eye to the recent ...
On September 1, 2021, Robert Bosch Academy, Germany, held a digital international expert forum on the course of Bundestag election campaign, Germany going to the polls on September 26
On September 1, 2021, Robert Bosch Academy, Germany, held a digital international expert forum on the course ...
... Protracted periods of stability, even positive stability, as a rule lead to a decrease in domestic political activity: players get used to an adaptive strategy, lose their ability to manoeuvre tenaciously, and at a turning point cannot decide to change. Germany is no exception: the upcoming elections are a fork between the continuation of traditional politics (stability) or an attempt at renewal (risk), primarily for the ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Vladislav Belov:
Russia–Germany: Crisis of Political Confidence as a Factor ...
... the Greens). There is no way of telling what kind of program they will generate or how they will share the departmental portfolios. There is only one thing for sure so far — Angela Merkel will retain the office of the Chancellor.
Vladislav Belov:
Germany: Elections Over, Uncertainty Remains
The Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs traditionally goes to the minors in the coalition, which means the Greens may have it. So far, Cem Özdemir hardly seems fit for this office, especially considering two other ...
German voters render an impartial verdict on the parties in the current coalition that will force the parties’ leaders to revise their strategies
Kerim Has:
Turkey and Germany: Souring Relations between Strategic Allies
The Bundestag elections that took place on Sunday September 24, 2017 yielded a number of surprises. Contrary to predictions, the 76.2 per cent
voter turnout
was significantly higher than in 2013 (71.5 per cent). Exit polls conducted by Germany’s leading demoscopic ...
Turkey is among the hot topics debated in the context of the German parliamentary race
In the short to medium term, Turkey's relations with Germany and the EU will remain far from normal.
The phrase “What matters is not how the votes are cast but how they are counted”, which is widely popular in Russia, is true of internal political processes in many countries across the globe. Germany ...
... Russia being accused of involvement in Germany's political process as well as possible shifts in Russia-Germany relations should the ruling coalition in Berlin change.
On June 6, Moscow hosted a round table "The Influence of 2017 Parliamentary Elections in Germany on the Future of Russia-Germany Relations" held under the auspices of German
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
within the "Russia-EU Dialog" project.
Julius von Freytag-Loringhoven, Head of the Moscow office of Friedrich Naumann Stiftung,...
... this will largely depend on the success of the same government pattern in Berlin.
Merkel and Sigmar Gabriel, as of today, the two are the most probable candidates for the position of Federal Chancellor at the upcoming 2017 Bundestag election.
In 2017, elections will be held in North Rhine-Westphalia (the largest state in Germany), Schleswig-Holstein and Saarland. They will become a test showing the sentiment of the German electorate. It will also be clear, among others, to what extent the Alternative for Germany will manage to isolate itself from right-radical moods in ...
... the electorate remains split into right-of-center and left-of-center elements.
Germany retains the 2.5-party system with two leaders, i.e. the people's parties of the CDU/CSU and the SDP. This model is not fading away as some expected after the 2009 elections.
Germany's Russia policy is sufficiently institutionalized and framed by German principles and interests, consequently hinging on events inside and around Russia rather than on election results.
... and FDP can boast economic stability, constant (although slight) GDP growth from 2010, minimum unemployment, and the running consolidation of the national budget. All these make Germans fairly happy, as shown by surveys indicating that on the eve of elections, most do not expect a crisis in Germany or its in the Eurozone, which might bring more
lost jobs and lower individual standards of living
. Hence, Germans most likely will not seek political changes, with trust in the chancellor running high.
A black-and-red coalition is less likely....