... some countries, namely Lebanon.
It is likely that the war between Israel and Hezbollah will increase the activity of non-state actors that are part of Iran's “Axis of Resistance”, particularly the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement. In October 2023, the Houthis began shelling ships traveling through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden that they believe belong to countries supporting Israel. According to a
S&P report
, approximately 12% of world trade passed through the Red Sea, accounting for approximately ...
... comprehensive analysis of the genesis and state of the Ansarullah organization, the authors of
The Houthi Movement in Yemen
, a fundamental monograph recently published by the KSA, conclude that “regardless of the final result, it seems that the Houthis will remain a key player in Yemen’s cultural, social, economic and political scenes for the foreseeable future [
Over the years of war, the leading Yemeni centers of political influence (CPIs) within the IRG and both active participants ...
... Split of the Arab Coalition
Sergey Serebrov:
Yemen Crisis: Causes, Threats and Resolution Scenarios
Regional observers believe that, after the failure of the advance toward Al Hudaydah in 2018, the United Arab Emirates abandoned its plans to defeat the Houthis and instead turned its attention to establishing control of the coast in southern Yemen. At the same time, the United Arab Emirates is counting on the local separatists, with the Salaphites being a prominent group among them. The Salaphites are ...
... Yemen’s domestic conflict. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in conjunction with the Gulf Coalition (hereinafter, the “Coalition”) and enjoying the full support of the United States, the United Kingdom, etc., commenced bombing the positions of the Houthis and their followers. Not only did the operation aggravate the humanitarian situation, it also failed to facilitate any kind of political process. The Yemen peace talks in Kuwait were similarly unsuccessful. The United Nations described the ongoing ...
... the Ansar Allah movement led by Abd al-Malik al-Houthi. Two days later, reports emerged of a Houthi attack on Saleh’s motorcade that killed him and several of his senior aides.
With such an experienced player as Ali Abdullah Saleh on their side, the Houthis ought to have been prepared for him to continue his game — at the worst possible moment for them.
That Strange Alliance That Was
Ali Abdullah Saleh, a Zaydi Muslim, had been fighting the Houthi rebels since 2004 from his base in the mountainous ...
... second largest religious group, targeted attacks against the community has meant that Shia Muslims have been made to feel vulnerable and fearful; a situation which has only been accentuated by politicians’ insistence to link Shia Islam with the Houthis and beyond, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Houthis, who are Zaidi Muslims (a small sect of Shia Islam) is a political faction organized under the leadership of Sheikh Abdel-Malek Al Houthi, and have always made clear that while they belong ...
Formerly shun by the public as a result of state propaganda and latent sectarianism under the old regime of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Houthis - a Shiite group which stronghold is originally based in the northern province of Sa’ada – have caught Yemen’s imagination by storm as they have come to symbolize freedom and unyielding defiance before injustice.
Born out of ...
... of the former regime have been keen to portray change as to hold on to their otherwise dwindling powers and financial privileges by playing the revolutionary game, all the while allowing Yemen’s deep state to endure; other factions, namely the Houthis – Shia faction organized under the leadership of Sheikh Abdel Malek Al Houthi- and Al Harak – Southern Secessionist Movement – have been determined to consolidate their political advances by forcing Yemen old guard to make way ...