Government is Incomplete Conquest> Doyle, William. 2001. The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: University Press: 152 pp. Gellner, Ernest. 1994. Conditions of Liberty; Civil Society and its Rivals. London, Hamish Hamilton: 225 pp. Josephson, Matthew. 1962. The Robber Barons. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World: 474 pp. Knight, Rolf. 2013. Voyage Through the Past Century. Vancouver, New Star Books: 336 pp. Lowi, Theodore. 1976. American Government: Incomplete Conquest. New York. Smith, Brian. 2008. Polity, 40 (1): 70-94 ------------------ Note: I wrote Professor Lowi in March 2008, asking if he had further developed his ideas on “incomplete conquest.” Here is an excerpt from his reply: ...