Search: India,AUKUS (7 materials)

Collective Security in (Eur)Asia: Views from Moscow and from New Delhi

... the continental, if not the global hegemonic power, pursuing the goal of constructing “a uni-polar Asia in a multi-polar world”. Though specific US attempts to put together various multilateral and bilateral security arrangements to contain China (AUKUS, trilateral Washington—Tokyo—Seoul cooperation in the Northeast Asia, US-Philippines security partnership and so on) are followed in New Delhi no less closer than they are followed in Moscow, the policy conclusions made in India might be very different from those made in Russia. Some Indian experts argue that if all US multilateral and bilateral arrangements succeed in blocking Beijing’s intended advances along the Pacific and Indian Oceans coast line, China might opt ...


India-US Entente: A Russian Perspective

... there is no tradition of joining political and/or military alliances with equal foreign partners. Despite their formal multilateral nature, Washington has always had leadership positions in any of the alliances it has entered after WW2 (such as NATO or AUKUS). India is clearly not ready and will not be ready anytime soon to become a junior partner to U.S. Second, a fundamental feature of the Indian foreign policy is a commitment to carefully balancing its ‘Indo-Pacific’ aspirations and its ‘Eurasian’ ...


India Is Irreplaceable Balancing Force in Global Systemic Transition

... their most radical elements. Managing Bi-Multipolarity It is for this reason that India has sought to play leading roles in multilateral platforms the Quad, BRICS, and the SCO. The first one serves as its means for balancing China’s rise in what India hopes will be a friendly, gentle, and non-hostile way compared to the new AUKUS alliance’s non-friendly, harsh, and hostile one. BRICS and the SCO, meanwhile, are complementary platforms for reforming the international system as it transitions towards multipolarity. The ideal scenario for India is that it successfully cooperates ...


A Little Britain’s Reach Out To The Big Indo-Pacific

... the region, making them less independent. Australia, the UK and the U.S. concluded a military-technical cooperation agreement (AUKUS), which opens up the possibility of using the bases on the “green continent.” However, even though Australia’s Prime ... ... nuclear-powered vessel is commissioned (no earlier than 2035), London has not yet settled on a final decision. Andrey Kortunov: Why India Will Never Be Part of U.S. Alliances White man’s burden (is no longer) British foreign policy doctrines envision the U....


Modernising India-Russia Ties

... on the phrase “in the regions of Indian and Pacific oceans.” In practice, both want the region to be “free, open, transparent and inclusive.” But differences remain: Russia is opposed to the formation of non-inclusive clubs like the Quad and AUKUS, while India continues to be an enthusiastic member and supporter of the Quad and is not uncomfortable with the AUKUS, given the omnipresent China factor. They just agreed to disagree. Andrey Kortunov: Why India Will Never Be Part of U.S. Alliancesy The intricate ...


Russia-India Summit: Is the Strategic Partnership Still Afloat?

... Rajnath Singh highlighted “militarization and expansion of armament in [India’s] neighbourhood” and “completely unprovoked aggression” on its northern border as a major challenge while Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov shared with his Indian counterparts an apprehension of the U.S. “Indo-Pacific strategies” and the emergence of AUKUS alliance. Judging by the remarks following the talks, regional issues figured prominently in the discussions. In particular, the new iteration of the Afghan crisis has prompted the two sides to keep together. After a series of consultations held ...


Why India Will Never Be Part of U.S. Alliances

... realistic alternatives but embark on a closer rapprochement with Washington, while Russia will be forced to drift further towards Beijing. This will allegedly result, albeit not in the near future, in the official establishment of Russia–China and India–U.S. political and military alliances—or, as far as the latter case goes, in the Quad transforming into a multilateral alliance similar to the recently established AUKUS (between Australia, the UK and the U.S.). Pessimists believe that Moscow and New Delhi do not share perspective on the future of global politics, with the gap becoming ever larger. They go on to claim that the “privileged” bilateral relations ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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