Will Russia continue its “business as usual” aimed at maintaining the existing status-quo or will it be forced to review and to revise its positions towards Israel, Palestinians, Iran and its main partners in the Arab world?
The spectacular comeback of Donald Trump to the White House will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the US overall international positioning, as well as on specific dimensions of the US approaches to various regions of the world. Of ...
Arab countries are not ready to significantly transform their policies and become actively involved in the conflict in the Middle East
Over fifty years ago, in October 1973, the largest energy crisis in history erupted. It was provoked by an oil embargo imposed by members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), as well as Egypt and Syria. The embargo was targeted against the United States and its allies who were assisting Israel in the Doomsday War. The member-states...
The Inevitability of Sino–Russian Cooperation in the Middle East
Hamas’ incursion into Israel last October inflicted casualties never seen before in Israeli history, prompting an Israeli response which indiscriminately targeted militants and civilians. Aside from reopening a 76-year-old wound, causing it to ooze with pus and blood, the resurgence of conflict in the Gaza Strip has once again cast light on the hypocrisy of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. In contrast to the meager humanitarian...
... of AQIM only to face the challenges of the Arab Spring in the 2010s. Finally, by now, the largest country in Africa and the Arab world is surrounded by zones of political conflict, instability and tension along most of its vast (6,343 km) land border: ... ... entire system of international relations.
Thus, Algerian experts emphasize three key components of the nation’s approach to international security:
solidarity, globality and indivisibility [
The former is understood, on the one hand, as solidarity ...
How Tehran Differs from Other Regional Players
Last Sunday, February 11, Iran celebrated the 45
anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Celebratory rallies were held in over 1,400 towns and 35,000 villages across the country. In Tehran, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi spoke to the participants of the festive processions.
It is well known that Islam does not approve of card games. It is believed card games lead to gambling and create terrible addictions that distract people from spiritual...