As a prelude to my new series of interviews with decision-makers (both in Government and members of opposition parties in Malaysia), personalities of influence and action, I write this article on how I believe Russia-Malaysia cooperation may be facilitated Malaysian inclusive nationhood development. In previous articles I have shared my thoughts, ideas and suggestions for ...
Offshore Energy Potential in the South China Sea
The South China Sea, long a hotbed of territorial disputes, has entered a new phase of tension with Malaysia, stepping up its oil and gas exploration despite mounting pressure from China. This move highlights the significance of the region’s untapped energy potential, estimated at around 11 billion barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural ...
From a ‘Third Force’ to Diplomatic Conservatism
When Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attended the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in August 2018 it was revealed that President Vladimir Putin
was planning
to take part in the upcoming East Asia Summit (EAS) in Singapore this November. This will mark the first time that the Russian leader has attended the event since the country became full member of the EAS. Putin will also pay a state visit to Singapore and take part in the Fourth ASEAN–Russia...
... Information Sharing Centre (ISC) provided over ten years of service in information exchange, capacity building and cooperative arrangements, contributing to the realization of the mission and objectives of ReCAAP organisation.
As of now, Malaysia and Indonesia have not joined the program. Indonesian authorities consider ReCAAP as a ‘threat’ to the national sovereignty, and maritime piracy and armed robbery in its waters as primarily a domestic issue. ReCAAP is also viewed as a competitor ...
Analysts who focus on the Asia-Pacific have long been ranting that Russia is not paying enough attention to what is going on in the region, especially Southeast Asia. The ASEAN population is neither aware of what interests Russia nor understands how Russian particpation in their region could be of use.
At the same time, Russia may have a role to play in addressing these issues, so taking it into account may prove useful for Southeast Asian states.
We will start with an issue underreported everywhere...
... international contacts. This has enabled them to strengthen the extremist underground and successfully carry out terrorist attacks aimed at overthrowing existing regimes and setting up a caliphate under the name of Daulah Islamiyah Nusantara in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Southern Thailand and the Philippines, where enclaves of terrorist activity among its supporters already exist.
Chairman of the Association of South East Asian
Nations (ASEAN) nations and host Malaysian
Prime Minister ...
... Politician - an easy way to harness support using Hate. For the ordinary citizen - a fear of economic loss. I was in a lift after attending a seminar on Renewable Energy in Kuala Lumpur. In the lift, a Swede, a Norwegian an Englishman, and I – Malaysian-British (although I consider myself a global citizen). There was a brief discussion, on the “Invading” refugees into Europe. It was not political or derogatory in intent, but a reflection on what the press was posting. So I interjected,...
... observing how to do business with Bangladeshi people directly.” He said, “I am from Holland, I have a 5 million euro budget to help the poor in this country. And more is coming from other countries, including the EU. What does your country, Malaysia do to help Bangladesh?” I laughed and replied. “I am a Nationalist, not a servant of neo-colonialists masters. My country Malaysia is small and poor. We do not have money to send fat-cat useless corrupt development aid people to come ...
As a Malaysian and global citizen, when I watched TV on the morning after that MH17 crashed, I was shocked, horrified and deeply upset - so many innocent people dead, and two Malaysian Airlines planes gone in 4 month. Why was this happening? Malaysian Airlines ...
The downing of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane on Thursday over Eastern Ukraine catapults the crisis there onto the global plane. Nationals of several countries, more than half of them Dutch, are among the victims. The UN Security Council will meet in New York. An international ...