Search: Multilateralism (27 materials)


Why Multilateral Diplomacy Is in Crisis

... gave hope that multilateral diplomacy would not be hampered by the contradictions of the leading centres of power. Thirty years later, multilateral diplomacy is in crisis, and has yielded to “classical” balance of power diplomacy. Andrey Kortunov: Multilateralism in the Era of Weak Institutions Multilateral diplomacy received a powerful impetus for its development in the 20 th century. Its institutional design at the outset included numerous international intergovernmental organisations focused ...


Should the West be concerned about BRICS?

The true multilateralism and international cooperation promoted by organizations such as BRICS provides the world with an opportunity for better development When the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, and China got together for their first summit in Yekaterinburg,...


Multilateralism in the Era of Weak Institutions

... chaotic economic, social, political and other transactions within complicated settings, building coherent and transparent regimes, brokering acceptable compromises between actors with diverging interests and priorities. Andrey Kortunov: International Multilateralism in a Non-Hegemonic World In the international domain, there is an unquestionable interconnection between institutions and multilateralism. The overwhelming majority of international institutions are multilateral, not bilateral; their cumulative ...


The Alliance of Sahel States: Initial Difficulties as a Resource for Development

... federation. Putting aside the inevitable revolutionary rhetoric sputtered by the leadership of the three states during the early years of their governance, a pragmatic line emerges as the mutually beneficial minilateralism is fostered as opposed to the multilateralism of ECOWAS. One of the Alliance’s upsides is that it may benefit from narrowly focused cooperation mechanisms (FX operations, border security, logistics corridors, technology transfer) and intensive inter-ministerial consultations as ...


The 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum — From Balance of Powers to Balance of Interests

... bilateral, but on the multilateral level. If the changing balance of power in the world implies a shift from the unipolar to the multipolar system, trying to fix the balance of interests requires a move from predominantly unilateral foreign policy to true multilateralism. While multipolarity is something that humankind has experienced more than once in its long history, true multilateralism remains to a large extent uncharted waters to most nation-states. This is especially true for some great powers, ...


BRICS: Between Broadening and Deepening

... priorities by opening doors for a gradual rise of membership and concentrating on building the institutional capacity of the group that would help to erase the red line between BRICS members and its partners. In any case, the future of international multilateralism is likely to be defined more by project—based, flexible coalitions of the willing rather than by rigid and heavily bureaucratized blocs and alliances from the 20th century. First published in the Global Times .


Is Russia Losing India?

... other. Likewise, politicians in New Delhi should approach the Russian-Chinese cooperation not as a strategic challenge, but as an opportunity to assist in sorting out some of its own problems with Beijing. This is the formula for the "project-based multilateralism" that might become a real game-changer for international relations in Eurasia. Such a change would require a lot of expert knowledge, diplomatic skills and political will from all those involved in working on Russia-Indian relations....


What Are the Core Benefits of Multilateralism at the Present Stage?

... the Conference, assessing the dramatic situation in the world in a realistic way, suggested for our discussion a difficult question: Is it possible to bring stability to the currently unstable world through cooperation and harmony? And what role could multilateralism play in this regard? Before exploring different options of how security issues could be resolved, we should review the current stage in international relations. Most would agree that the modern world is undergoing a period of profound,...


Asian Multilateralism: A Test of Strength

... as their effect rebound hit the countries that imposed them and, most importantly, developing states that had nothing to do with the conflict and had barely begun to recover from the pandemic. In a broader context, this year essentially puts Asian multilateralism to test. In the new international circumstances, the inevitable question becomes whether Asian countries can assert their right to manage regional and, in part, global processes—in deed rather than in word. This takes on a special sound ...


Restoration, Reformation, Revolution? Blueprints for the World Order after the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Working Paper #66, 2022 Working Paper #66, 2022 The Russian-Ukrainian conflict will lead to long-term global socio-economic and political consequences in the foreseeable future. Russian and foreign experts are currently exploring a wide range of scenarios for such transformation—from relatively positive to extremely negative. The author formulated three potentially possible options for the current world order transformation, assessing the probability and consequences of the practical implementation...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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