In a system where nationalism contradicts globalism, multipolarity seems to be the most conciliatory force that can emancipate the world from the crippling effects of unipolar dominance in the era of hybrid imperialism
The year 2025 marks the first quarter of the 21
... between the Middle East—a British-designed construction to designate countries on the maritime way to India—and the Arab world. The Arab world includes Arab states, while the Israelis, Iranians or Turks are considered by many representatives of Arab nationalism as hostile external forces. Thus, there are two levels of conditional external influence on the affairs of the Arab world—regional and global. Thus, the protests in Arab countries carry an Arab nationalist charge directed against the interference ...
.... In other words, the world is going back to modernity and, in some ways, even collapsing into archaic modes of existence.
The pandemic and the new economic recession have generated public demand for paternalist strategies in domestic policy and for nationalism in foreign policy. In the last few decades, this demand has never been stronger. State leaders have gained unprecedented additional opportunities for manipulating public sentiments, fears and expectations, and have learned to exploit new sources ...
On July 20, 2020, the role of nationalism and national identity in contemporary international relations was discussed during an online expert meeting
On July 20, 2020, the role of nationalism and national identity in contemporary international relations was discussed during an online ...
... continuation of the best political traditions inherited from last
.” This is all part of a more fundamental question: Is the growing nationalist trend an indication that conservatism is being replaced gradually on the political stage? Or has nationalism always been an inherent feature of
Ivan Timofeev:
“Twilight of the West?” The New Totalitarianism, Reflection and Free Thought
The substantive part of the conference provided some food for thought as to the creation of ...
Reflections on a Far Right win, European dream team, and a two-speed Europe
The next elections for the European Parliament will take place on 23-26 May 2019 and the EU’s various political families are already mobilising. They will be crucial elections in a crucial year. 2019 promises tough times for Europe with Brexit, elections, and certainly more financial turbulences, which are already under way. Here we propose three short- and medium-term possible scenarios, none of which looks reassuring...
... and unlawful generalizations, I will nevertheless take the liberty of naming four basic characteristics of neo-modernism that stand in opposition to the four post-modern tenets, which until recently were considered generally accepted.
, it is nationalism. All heralds of the new era invariably emphasize specific national interests of their countries as opposed to post-modernists’ global universalism. It is quite noteworthy that during his election campaign Donald Trump spoke not about ...
... Nehru’s successors as Prime Minister for the Indian National Congress was guided by the same thinking.
The current ruling party in India is the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, or Indian People’s Party), which is committed to Hindutva, a form of nationalism based on the religious traditions of Hinduism. According to Hindutva, India serves as the centre of the “Hindu world”, and maintaining close ties between Mother India and the Indian diaspora abroad is an integral part of the great ...
... cope with the impending demographic crisis brought about by an ageing population?
All these questions are, of course, extremely important. However, we believe that the most important variable in the infinitely complex equation of the future China is nationalism. This paper attempts to answer the question: What role could nationalism and the conflicts it provokes play in the fate of China and the Asia-Pacific Region?
China’s Future in Europe’s Past?
Today’s China bears a number of ...
(what should be the purpose and priority of governance). Overall, a vast majority endorses a vision that employs the Western methods of governance in order to preserve traditional values of the Japanese society. Abe’s “pro-Western nationalism” is popular precisely because he understands these dynamics. The dramatic demise of the Koizumi administration indicated that the Japanese nation still prefers a leader who prioritizes the preservation of societal stability over the ...