Search: Republic of Korea,Japan (6 materials)

The Cold War Never Ended in Asia

... South, Washington created in 1954 the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) to fight communism in Asia; the initiative ran into many problems from the very outset and fell apart after the US defeat in Vietnam. In the North, all US attempts to unite Japan and the Republic of Korea under a shared security umbrella were not successful due to complicated relations between Seoul and Tokyo. Not surprisingly, in Asia there were no attempts to sign any Cold War final settlement document similar to the Charter of Paris ...


U.S. Recent Plans in National Air Defense: The East Asia Dimension

... response to DPRK missile tests. The Japanese leadership never ruled out the acquisition of THAAD systems, but the final decision has not yet been made, especially since the Americans may well deploy their own battery on Okinawa if necessary. In 2020, Japan refused to build an Aegis Ashore system on its territory, similar to those on duty in Poland and Romania. Andrey Kortunov: US-Led Arms Race Could Push Mankind into the Abyss The Republic of Korea has three Aegis BMDS destroyers equipped with interceptors (mostly SM-6). Seoul is also building an echeloned KAMD ( Korean Air and Missile Defense ) network largely based on the Patriots, harnessing the Israeli experience with the ...


Spokes versus Axes: Modalities of Regional Security in Northeast Asia

... Japan In foreign media and academic articles, they increasingly often refer to a “Beijing-Moscow-Pyongyang axis” that is emerging in Northeast Asia (NEA). Under these circumstances, Western authors believe, the U.S. and its main Pacific allies, Japan and the Republic of Korea, should close their ranks even more. Such reasoning is constructed for some alternative reality as it suffers from a lack of causality. More so, it is absolutely unclear why the formats of cooperation between “liberal democracies” ...


Semiconductor War between Japan and South Korea

... materials by Seoul to be a violation of the non-proliferation regimes regarding both weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons. In this case, the restrictions would extend to other types of commodities and materials. On August 2, the Cabinet of Japan approved the decision to take South Korea off its “white list” (where the Republic of Korea was the only Asian state), thereby depriving it of trade preferences in regard to the materials mentioned above. The full list exceeds 1100 items Despite these events, several deliveries of these materials from Japan to South Korea ...


EAEU and Eurasia: Monitoring and Analysis of Direct Investments 2017

According to the new findings of the ongoing research project, Asian investors continue to increase direct investments in the EAEU. During the monitoring period (2008–2016), FDI stock originating from 12 Asian countries (China, Japan, Turkey, India, Israel, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran, Singapore, and Vietnam) has increased from $32 billion in 2008 to $75.6 billion in the beginning of 2017. China continues to expand its economic presence in EAEU countries and other CIS states, retaining ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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