There’s an irony of fate as the old rivals again look for common ground
For years, Russian-American relations seemed to be in an irreversible coma. Diplomacy was dead, overtaken by hostility, sanctions, and a growing risk of military confrontation. Many insisted that nothing could break this trajectory — Moscow and the Washington were locked into an unchangeable course of conflict.
Yet today, the pace of change is astonishing. The recent high-level meeting between Russian and American officials...
Reaching the ceiling: on the way to fulfilling the reductions under the New START.
Reaching the ceiling: on the way to fulfilling the reductions under the New START
The number of nuclear warheads deployed by the Russian Federation on strategic launchers was cut by more than two hundred units between March and September 2017. According to the official data
by the US Department of State, 1,561 warheads are deployed on 501 missiles, while the total number of deployed and non-deployed launchers...
... a new Normality in EU-Russia Relations? Notes internacionals.
, 115.Available online at
Shendrikova, D. (2015). Going regional the Russian way: The Eurasian Economic Union between instrumentalism and global social appropriateness. Working Paper.
. Available ...