... to general political pressure, these processes may lead to an increase in direct threats to the countries of the center of Greater Eurasia, which makes them, of course, more vulnerable to external pressure and more reserved in their cooperation with Russia, China and even India.
As for Southeast Asia, we are also seeing an increase in interstate competition, which is most clearly manifested in the conflict between China and the Philippines, as well as the general crisis in the development of ASEAN. Also, we cannot lose sight of the explosive potential of interstate relations in Northeast Asia, where Japan and South Korea can act as conductors of US influence. In other words, the peripheral zones of Greater Eurasia are quite noticeably making ...
... with Western bureaucrats and therefore unreformable. There is no need to tear it down, but it will be necessary to build parallel bodies based on BRICS+, an expanded SCO, and their integration with the Organization of African Unity, the Arab League, ASEAN, and Mercosur. In the interim, it may be possible to create a permanent conference of these institutions within the UN.
China is the main external resource for Russia’s internal development, an ally and partner for the foreseeable future. Russia should help develop China’s naval and strategic nuclear capabilities in order to help oust the United States as an aggressive hegemon. This could facilitate its ...
Working Paper No. 83 / 2024
Working Paper No. 83 / 2024
The following working paper presents the results of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) following its establishment. The author carefully analyzes free trade zone agreements (FTZs) as a key tool for developing the Union’s foreign economic relations. Additionally, the author assesses the effectiveness of existing EAEU FTZ agreements with third countries, as well as the outlook for new agreements. This research aims...
... million people. A stable upward trend was characteristic of travel from Russia to other countries in the region as well, and all countries of Southeast Asia were visited by more than 2.5 million Russians in 2019 (see
Table 1
Table 1
. Number of Russian tourists traveling in ASEAN countries, 2020–2022 (people)
Brunei Darussalam
No data
No data
No data
No data
... cooperation through existing multilateral mechanisms. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a core element of the Asia-Pacific regional architecture. 2024 will mark the fifth year since the establishment of a strategic partnership between Russia and the ASEAN. Russia actively participates in various activities led by the ASEAN. Thanks to these efforts, we have laid the necessary foundation for further development of multi-field cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region and will continue to strengthen multi-level ...
... countries that built their strategy on preserving the existing order - in the West this is the European Union, in the East - the ASEAN economic bloc. In both cases, the very principle of the organisation of these groups and their philosophy do not allow for ... ... place in the world will be rapid and dramatic - revisionism by its nature does not imply sudden movements. We see how cautious Russia and the United States are about the likelihood of an escalation of their differences in Eastern Europe. China and the United ...
... cooperation through existing multilateral mechanisms. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a core element of the Asia-Pacific regional architecture. 2024 will mark the fifth year since the establishment of a strategic partnership between Russia and the ASEAN. Russia actively participates in various activities led by the ASEAN. Thanks to these efforts, we have laid the necessary foundation for further development of multi-field cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region and will continue to strengthen multi-level ...
... east of the Strait of Malacca. As far as this standpoint goes, the central place in the emergent mega-region is assigned to the ASEAN nations rather than the U.S.
Obviously, India will not give up on fostering closer ties with its numerous partners in the ... ... confrontation. This cooperation follows its own logic and has its own dynamics, which are independent of external factors. Therefore, Russia should consider a more open and more empathetic approach to the New Delhi “Indo-Pacific” narrative than the one that ...
... for development. Even a slight increase in investment, which is demanded from the West in Tashkent or Astana, can solve some of the problems of internal stability there. It may also increase the potential of these markets from the point of view of the Russian economy, with which they are best connected logistically.
International organisations in Greater Eurasia arose amid fundamentally different conditions than in Europe, and the closest analogue can only be the cooperation of the Southeast Asian countries within ASEAN. A distinctive feature of the European institutions for security and cooperation is their forceful nature. The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe was created on the basis of agreements between East and West during the Cold War. ...
... Chinese power pushed the smaller countries of Southeast Asia to forget about past grievances and integrate this country into ASEAN.
Cuba's geopolitical position is much more complicated. Its proximity to the US mainland and remoteness from other great ... ... doubts may arise if you look at the modern Canadian government and its prime minister.
At the same time, Cuba's remoteness from Russia or China does not create even a hypothetical possibility that the United States would help its development in order to ...