Search: Russia,BRICS (115 materials)


Facilitating Cooperation with Russia for Inclusive Nationhood Development in Malaysia: Countering Hegemonic Development Influence

... special needs inpiduals into mainstream society. Exchanging knowledge on legislative frameworks that support the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities. Furthermore in terms, of BRICS Cooperation on policy and Inclusion Initiatives, during Russia's BRICS presidency, I suggested in my RIAC blog that discussion could be initiated to include special needs inpiduals in the BRICS Strategy 2025 onwards, aiming to foster inclusive policies and action partnership initiatives among member and economic partner ...


Dr. Shoaib Khan about India’s role in the Global South and India-Russia cooperation

... and resist hegemonic pressures. India and Russia see BRICS as a mechanism to enhance economic cooperation, trade, and investment. The BRICS framework encourages collaboration in sectors such as energy, infrastructure, technology, and agriculture. For Russia, BRICS provides access to growing markets like India, while India benefits from Russia's rich resources, especially in energy. India’s engagement in BRICS reflects its dual focus on expanding influence in both Western-led and Global South platforms. ...


Nuclear Power and the Global South

... Important forms of promoting Russian nuclear technologies in the energy markets of the Global South include the participation of Russian entities in international organizations such as the IAEA. New platforms for international cooperation include BRICS and BRICS+ formats—in particular, the establishment of a nuclear platform within the group. Russia traditionally holds a strong position in training personnel for the nuclear power sector in the region. The development and introduction of new types of nuclear reactors, including floating NPPs and SMRs—projects that Russia is actively working ...


Russia and Greater Eurasia in 2024: Between Integration and Security

... economically and through human contacts. State visits to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan confirmed a fairly high level of bilateral relations with these countries, now reinforced by the growth of trade and Russian investment in the region. The second dimension of Russia’s Eurasian policy in 2024 is BRICS and the opportunities provided by Moscow’s presidency in the group during the year. It is not at all surprising that the October BRICS summit in Kazan became an important event in strengthening the Eurasian agenda: due to its geographical position ...


Russia in Asia: Fundamental Challenges and New Opportunities

... or failure of their global initiatives. Countries such as, for example, Malaysia, understand perfectly well that their final exit from the shadow of the colonial past will be impossible without involvement in solving global issues. They look at the BRICS group, where Russia plays an important role, as a potential "engine" of their own integration into the major league of world politics. Simple economic achievements, no matter how bright they are, are not enough here: in the 1970s and 1980s, the whole world ...


Let’s reach out to Russia – for the sake of peace overcoming a “bloc mentality” and ideological firewalls

... would gladly or quickly give up a well-paid post in Brussels? The great uncertainty at the moment is whether the US will become part of the new multi-polar and multi-regional world with its other centers of power, especially the Global South and the BRICS states, Russia and China, or whether it will adopt a confrontational course, intensify its trade war with China and become isolated. It’s a very open question. The EU would have had a bad hand even if Kamala Harris had been elected. Voters were concerned about ...


Russian and Pakistani experts discuss BRICS role

On October 31, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) in cooperation with the Asian Institute of Eco-civilization, Research, and Development (AIERD, Pakistan) held a roundtable «BRICS Cooperation with the Global South» On October 31, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) in cooperation with the Asian Institute of Eco-civilization, Research, and Development (AIERD, Pakistan) held a roundtable «BRICS Cooperation with the Global South». Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Academic Director,...


What BRICS Cannot and What It Can Deliver

... any reasonable proportions. Let us have a closer look at the BRICS group and try to distinguish between what the group cannot and what it can deliver in the nearest future. BRICS cannot become a global economic integration project. Victoria Panova: Russia’s BRICS Presidency: Life on the Eve of the Kazan Summit Champions of BRICS like to mention that the group now accounts for more than a quarter of the world’s territory and for more than 40% of the global population. They also argue that in terms of the ...


Should the West be concerned about BRICS?

The true multilateralism and international cooperation promoted by organizations such as BRICS provides the world with an opportunity for better development When the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, and China got together for their first summit in Yekaterinburg, Russia, back in 2009, the event did not capture a lot of attention in the West. The Group of 20 that had started its regular summit meetings a year before got much more media ...


BRICS Can Transform from an International Club into a Global Lab

... international influence. However, the quantitative growth does not come without a cost. It might lead to multiplying disagreements within a larger group of members, immensely complicate the decision-making process. Judging from the preliminary results of Russia's 2024 chairmanship within BRICS, it would be reasonable to conclude that the ambitions of the group are indeed higher than just continuing to recruit new members to their club. One possible intention is to turn the fancy international club into a global laboratory. The main difference ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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