Search: Russia,CSTO (32 materials)


Kazakhstan’s Geopolitical Challenge: Balancing Competing Interests

... handling relations with all partners, so as to maintain good relations, while also protecting Kazakhstan’s interests. Politically, Kazakhstan is deeply tied to Russia, which has been explicitly shown in January 2022, when it requested the intervention of CSTO and Russian peacekeepers to face an attempted rebel takeover . The same can be said on other politically relevant positions, such as collaborating on the creation of an integrated digital information system for EAEU member states. Economically, Russia ...


How SCO Contributes to Security in Eurasia

... Beijing sees consensus in the Eurasian space as the elaboration of a common development strategy bolstered economically. Third , blurring the SCO’s regional security functionality means that one cannot always see a clear boundary between the SCO and the CSTO, especially since a number of countries, including Russia, are members of both structures. Moreover, if we take the Central Asian track, it is the CSTO that remains the real guarantor of high-level security for the countries of the region in the face of current challenges and threats, while the SCO’s ...


Kyrgyz Neutrality in Russia-Ukraine Conflict

... that many Kyrgyz citizens have dual Russian-Kyrgyz citizenship. Kyrgyzstan has a relatively well-developed non-governmental sector, which is stronger than elsewhere in Central Asia. Many local NGOs receive Western funding and stand for looser ties with Russia, down to exiting the EEU and the CSTO. It is their activists who often condemn Russia’s policies. Kyrgyzstan expressly refuses to burn bridges behind its relations with Ukraine, focusing on close economic, cultural and humanitarian ties with the country. The cautiousness of the Kyrgyz ...


The Fate of Alliances in the Modern World

... reasons — an alliance no longer becomes an instrument for ensuring the collective interests of its participants, but a factor in diplomatic interaction between them. Now, Russia’s conditional ally in the South Caucasus can use the presence of the CSTO as a way to put pressure on Russian diplomacy, while removing all responsibility from itself. In another case, we are witnessing a direct military clash between Russia’s formal allies, each of which demands Moscow’s support. As a result, the very idea of union, in the sense ...


Does Tajikistan Have a Choice Amid Anti-Russian Sanctions?

... meeting touched upon matters of further economic support for Tajikistan. By building up contacts with Tajikistan while simultaneously controlling its foreign trade with its key partner, the U.S. wants to limit Tajikistan’s bilateral relations with Russia. Finally, as a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Tajikistan intends to view this organization as a resource in case Dushanbe loses control of the situation in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO). January 2022 set a precedent of resorting to the CSTO’s forces in Kazakhstan to protect ...


The CSTO and EAEU in a New Era: From Abstraction to Practice

... to the European theatre. This does not mean that Moscow will not have the resources to help its allies in the event of a situation akin to what happened in Kazakhstan - the forces required for this are extremely small in number compared to those that Russia will have to use in the West. Therefore, now it becomes relevant for all CSTO countries not only to coordinate their actions, but also to create new practical mechanisms for responding to emerging external and internal threats. These threats will not disappear and will not be solved by any external actors - the countries of ...


From St. Petersburg to Syunik: Reinvigorating the Russian–Armenian Security Alliance

... to the recent turmoil in Kazakhstan dealt a significant blow to Ankara’s ambitions in post-Soviet Eurasia and the “Turkic World.” In quick order, Kazakhstan’s President managed to gain control over the situation in close coordination with Russia and the CSTO. The episode vividly underscored the importance that Russia attaches to the post-Soviet space as its primary zone of vital national security interests. It also highlighted the reality that, in today’s multipolar world, Turkey, despite all the talk ...


Kazakhstan: from the Games of Thrones to the Jewel in the String of Pearls

... significant Russian ethnic minority in the northern provinces of the country, or the official status of the Russian language, all highlight that one cannot easily dismiss the critical importance that Kazakhstan bears for the national interests of Russia. . Russia’s domination in the CSTO peacekeeping mission was not about occupying Kazakhstan, as there was no direct threat that could endanger Moscow’s vital interests; on the contrary, Kazakhstan is a battle ground to win minds and hearts of the population and less of a fortress....


Kazakhstan’s Common but Differentiated Institutions of State Power

... to a clan power struggle which has likely sounded the death-knell of the Nazarbayevs in domestic Kazakhstan politics. Andrey Kortunov: Political Extremists, Gangs First Ones to Gain from Kazakh Turmoil With the Kazakh government stabilized and the Russian-led CSTO force now withdrawing, the political risk scenarios surrounding Kazakhstan domestic political, social, economic, and geopolitical future are still just as opaque, complex, and institutionally multivariate. Tokayev is confirmed as still President ...


The CIA’s Strategic Thinking in Afghanistan: 1979 to 2021

... (Xinjiang) and the other neighboring countries (Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran). The intensification of religious extremism in the country will have repercussions on the neighboring countries. If Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan can count on Russia to provide a response in case of a major crisis (the CSTO), the fear is more consequential for Pakistan, a nuclear power, which for its part could be influenced by religious extremism and lead to an even more consequential conflict with India. In the end, China now seems the most likely actor to take a ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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