... measure involves constructive interaction with the U.S., its allies and partners, as well as with China, India and other nations.
The unbroken combination of these two tracks for reorganizing international relations is a truly monumental goal set before Russia’s foreign policy.
Arbatov, A.G. (2024). Disarmament in history and at present: theory vs. practice.
Polis. Political Studies
, 5, 24-45. (In Russ.)
The research was financed by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant No. 224-28-20253,
... nuclear weapons (B-61 warheads) with an overall capacity of 18 megatons stored inside six air base vaults across Europe. Stockpiling of US tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) outside the territory of the US has for a long time been a stumbling block in US-Russia bilateral disarmament negotiations. The situation was further exacerbated when the US unveiled its plans to modernize its tactical nuclear arsenal in Europe. The new US weapon, the B61-12, is intended to replace all its older versions and is capable of destroying ...
... recent suspension of the agreement with Russia on eliminating excessive amounts of plutonium. Talks on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) and on non-deployment of arms in outer space have been stuck in a dead end for years at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. Over the past three years, Russia has disengaged from cooperation with the United States on the safe disposal, physical security and protection of nuclear weapons, materials and facilities. In 2015, Russia pulled out of the CFE Joint Consultative Group. Talks on tactical nuclear ...