... all Peace, Henry Holt and Company (an Owl Book) New York, 2001 (first published in 1989), p.30.
. Clogg, Richard, A Concise History of Greece, Cambridge University Press, 1995 (first published 1992), p. 57. He quotes the British Minister to Greece, Sir ... ... of 1774.
. Buckle, B.E., The Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, London,1920, p.291.
. Malashenko, Igor, ‘Russia: The Earth’s Heartland’, International Affairs, Moscow, Issue 7, July 1990.
. Irving, David, Churchill’s War, ...
... leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan, ending the most recent war in Nagorno-Karabakh. Overall,
Moscow emerged as the clear winner
by ending hostilities, introducing peacekeepers, and maintaining its central role in the vital Caucasus region. However, Russia’s direct intervention in the Karabakh conflict with the November peace statement also bears echoes of much earlier history.
Echoes of the Past
Christian Wollny:
Nagorno-Karabakh: A Frozen Conflict Rethawed
On July 24 (August 4) 1783, at the southern Russian fortress of Georgiyevsk, representatives of Russian Empress Catherine the Great and Georgian King Erekle II ...
... “The History of Sino-Soviet Relations and the Future of Sino-Russian Relations [中苏关系的历史和中俄关系的未来]». In Outline of Sino-Soviet Relations [中苏关系史纲], edited by Zhihua Shen, 1-8. Beijing: Xinhua, 2007.
Lin, Jun. The History of Russian Diplomacy [俄罗斯外交史稿]. World Knowledge Press, 2002.
Liu. “Russia-China Partnership at Best Level in History: Putin». Xinhua, May 26 2018.
Liu, Melinda....
China and Russia act in accordance with their own interests, which are not always identical. For the time being, the creation of a Russo-Chinese military alliance isn’t a viable idea, and cooperation between China and Russia in the Arctic is exclusively economic....
... archived papers dating back 30 years, I came upon this Oscar Wilde quote: “The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it.”
While going through my archived papers dating back 30 years, I came upon this Oscar Wilde quote: “The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it.”
This got me thinking how good it would be to go back in time and replay some actions. Surely something went wrong at some point if Russia is now once again pitted against the United States, has become alienated from Western Europe in a number of aspects and its relationship with some East European nations, including former Soviet republics, is short of hostile.
I anticipate the ...
... to be a great power among other leading players in Europe, and later in the world. If there is one thing that Russia treasures most in the United Nations system, that is its position as a permanent veto-wielding member of the UN Security Council.
In Russian history, the Soviet period stands out for two aberrations resulting from the communist ideology that the country’s leaders embraced and served. One—the more short-lived of the two—was turning the state into a revolutionary vehicle for a global ideology-driven ...
Presentation to the XX April 2019 International Politics Conference
Presentation to the XX April 2019 International Politics Conference
My presentation on contemporary Australia-Russia economic relations is divided into two sections. The first focuses on geo-economics, which looks at both countries current trade and foreign investment priorities, including the implications of China’s monumental One Belt One Road project (OBOR),...
... Were there not enough events in the past century that knocked down the old system and brought new motivations into international practice? There certainly were many such events, but the past twelve months converted quantity into ultimate quality, and Russia’s politics has yet to comprehend their implications.
Until recently Moscow believed that despite the obvious asymmetry of Russian and U.S. potentials, their relations were important for both of them and significant for the rest of the world, ...
... 1989, Francis Fukuyama published his famous essay “The End of History?” The title drew a line under a long period of world history and held out the promise of a perpetual liberal world order. The latter had proved its worth by winning the fierce 20th-century ... ... capitalism,” which had allegedly proved that there was another, more effective, development model. However, the experience of Russia and China, which were usually cited as examples of such a model, showed quite soon that authoritarian capitalism was closely ...
... War and ‘national’ cohesion in the ranks of the Bolshevik party, 1918,” Noveyshaya Istoriya Rossii, 2014, No. 3, pp. 218-233.
. M.K. Shatsillo, “Russian business circles’ reaction to the Brest peace treaty, 1918”, Vestnik RUDN, Series: History of Russia, 2010, No. 1, pp. 105-117.
. Cf. F.A. Seleznev, “The question of a separate peace with Germany in the context of the struggle of the Russian elites (1914-1918)”, Vestnik RFFI, 2017, No. 1, pp. 22-31.
. A.V. Pantsov, “The Brest peace treaty”,...