... migration by way of
migrants back to Africa.
In turn, the U.S., as the Algerians point out, although it has included Morocco and Tunisia in the list of its major non-NATO allies, generally does not view the Maghreb as a specific region, building ... ... each of the states located there separately and focusing on the fight against terrorism.
In this context, the opportunities for Russia to develop cooperation with Algeria on a pan-Maghreb agenda are probably very limited. Of course, the Algerian side could ...
... race between the two countries. In order to assess this, there is a need for a careful examination of Russia’s interests with both countries.
Carla Leonetti, Romain Pradier:
A Russia-EU-Africa Energy Strategy. Nuclear and Renewable Energy Security
Morocco-Russia: current and future market
Russia’s relations with Morocco have mainly relied on bilateral trade. Morocco is Russia’s 65
trade partner in terms of export quantity with $579,5 million, according to the
IMF Direction of Trade Statistics
... on resolving the Syrian crisis with the victory of the Assad regime and allies. Yet, Russian-Turkish ties will be affected by Russian-Syrian-Iranian intervention near the Turkish border. The threat that this would impose on the Turkish armed forces could ... ... fighters from other African states. The only two countries that would be safe from terrorism and violence in north Africa are Morocco and Tunisia. In contrast, others will face waves of terrorist activities emanating from Mali, Nigeria and Somalia and ...
... think tank.
The meeting was attended by Brahim Fassi Fihri, President and Founder of the Institute, and Amine El Kabaj, Manager of the Project Division and Analytical Center. The following issues were discussed in the course of the meeting: Track II Russia-Morocco cooperation on security issues in North Africa, management of cross-border migration, and countering international terrorism.