... formulate special programs for bachelor’s, master’s and PhD candidates. Additionally, short courses must be created for policy makers and government officials to keep them informed about current trends in these spheres.
How does engagement with Russia on NSR and Arctic issues affect India's relations with the United States? Could the US position of seeing Russia as a rival, including in the Arctic, block the development of Arctic cooperation between Russia and India, given the importance for India of ...
... routes Arkhangelsk – European part of Russia and Anadyr – Kamchatka – Sakhalin – Vladivostok.
In the meantime, several military perspectives can be added to the economic dimensions. Undoubtedly, Moscow seeks to prevent objectionable uses of the NSR and the Russian Arctic zone by taking anti-access and area denial measures. Key for the Russian leadership is retaining, under any circumstances, of the strategic strike capability in the form of missile-carrying submarines and long-range aviation with guaranteed ...
... and thickness of the ice cover, as well as a big number of bases and ports along the coast and on islands. The Northern Sea Route (NSR) is in regular and increasing use for commercial cargo transport, owing to both development of the resources of the Russian North and transit shipping. Of course, the NSR is still a long way behind the routes of the southern seas in performance, but the prospects for its development are great.
Natalia Viakhireva:
The Russian and Canadian Approach to Extra-Regional Actors in the Arctic
At the same time, the growing ...
... providing the intensive development of oil and gas fields of the Arctic shelf, as well as ore reserves and forest-industrial complex, it will be even higher.
The expansion of foreign participation as a strategic priority for the development of NSR
The Russian side needs to urgently develop a flexible mechanism for rapid decision-making which would eliminate all the costs associated with obtaining permission to use the NSR. The same applies to the harmonization of tariffs.
Russia should urgently develop ...