The developments in Russia and the world, especially with the nuclear threat growing evermore present
Tariq Marzbaan and Nora Hoppe hold another interview with Professor Sergei Karaganov, discussing the developments in Russia and the world, especially with the nuclear ...
The decision was long overdue and is a response to reckless agression from Washington
Updating Russia’s nuclear doctrine is certainly not a spontaneous step. It is long overdue and is linked to the fact that the current level of atomic deterrence has proven inadequate. Especially given that it failed to prevent the West from waging a hybrid war ...
The nuclear weapons taboo is undoubtedly weakening, but Moscow shouldn’t be the first to break it
Professor Sergey Karaganov’s “Tough-but-necessary decision”
– which claims that by using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe – has provoked plenty of reaction both at home and abroad. This is partly due to the author’s status – he has been an adviser to both President Boris Yeltsin and President Vladimir Putin – and ...
... current trajectory, it will end in a total disaster for humanity
Dmitry Trenin is a research professor at the Higher School of Economics and a lead research fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. He is also a member of the Russian International Affairs Council.
Professor Sergey Karaganov’s “Tough-but-necessary decision”
– which claims that by using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe – has provoked plenty of reaction ...
... international high-level expert round table, dedicated to the trends in the development of world politics in the context of acute recent crises.
The session addressed the issues of strategic stability in the face of the collapse of the former bilateral Russia-the U.S. system of control over strategic arms, the threat of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and other types of weapons of mass destruction. The possibilities of agreeing on multilateral confidence-building measures in the nuclear sphere ...
Russia has not done anything like mobilization in this century, and that using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine makes little sense for Vladimir Putin
Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council Andrey
Kortunov says Russia has not done ...
... conflict in Ukraine elevates such risks dramatically. The firefight at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine was the latest reminder of how nuclear catastrophe can quickly rise to the surface in the “fog of war.” The leaders of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States together affirmed in January that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” The first and most essential step toward reducing the risks of a consequential accident, mistake, or miscalculation ...
... above-described scenario for the development of events in the field of nuclear arms control has not been implemented.
US President Joe Biden, almost immediately after taking office, made a decision to extend the New START Treaty for five years practically on Russian terms, i.e. in the form in which it was signed in 2010. The only reason the Americans conditioned the extension of the Treaty was the start of negotiations on the next agreement in the field of nuclear weapons, during which, obviously, all the ...
... technology is the most sophisticated one, with main challenges related to fuels and materials required for propulsion at hypersonic speeds.
Who are the players?
Currently the most active and diverse hypersonic weapons related programs are ongoing in Russia, China and the United States. These three countries are pursuing the whole range of technologies and capabilities with tactical and strategic missions, have the best expertise, testing facilities and domestic production for most components. France,...
The European Leadership Network Report
European Leadership Network
The UK and Russia hold pivotal roles within the Non-Proliferation Treaty regime and share a common interest in its preservation and longevity. This report offers a set of recommendations on how the UK and Russia could display leadership, create opportunities, and ...