... military operation in Syria
A terrorist attack on November 13 in central Istanbul
six people and injured more than 80. The tragedy took place on the busy pedestrian İstiklal Avenue, about 200 meters from the diplomatic quarter, where the Russian Consulate General and Trade Mission, as well as the Russian school, are located.
Turkish police detained a Syrian woman with suspected ties to left-wing Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militias operating in Syria, who confessed to planting an ...
Tayyip Erdogan has made up his mind to lock horns with Russia in Syria
The killing of 33 Turkish soldiers in air raids in Syria's Idlib province is likely to prove a major blow for President Tayyip Erdogan, who has made up his mind to lock horns with Russia in Syria. Turkey has been pushed towards a frontline ...
... of the German parliamentary race
In the short to medium term, Turkey's relations with Germany and the EU will remain far from normal.
The phrase “What matters is not how the votes are cast but how they are counted”, which is widely popular in Russia, is true of internal political processes in many countries across the globe. Germany is to hold a parliamentary election on 24 September 2017. Looking at how Germany-Turkey relations have been developing and taking into account the fact that Turkey ...