In the coming years, Russia’s policy in the Eurasian space will most likely be aimed at avoiding excessive obligations, but at the same time strengthening relations with those countries that are really interested in cooperating with Moscow, as well as strengthening the influence of broad international institutions, particularly the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
In the coming years, Russia’s policy in the Eurasian space will most likely be aimed at avoiding excessive obligations,...
... supplies goods, services, infrastructure, capital goods that are necessary for modernization and development. This goes back to the 1800s, when the actual idea was brought out in the United States by the Lincoln Administration for what was then the Transcontinental Railroad. And that was understood: the landmass of the United States would be uplifted economically by having these kinds of transport corridors through the so-called “underdeveloped portions of the nation”. That became the policy of ...
... push for regional interests that it has been working towards for years
From being an observer state in 2005 to gaining full membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2017, time has come for India to shoulder the Chairmanship and host the SCO Summit of 2023. The baton to chair the Summit of 2023 for the 8-member Organization was passed onto India from Uzbekistan, at the Samarkand Summit of 2022.
Lydia Kulik, Alexey Kalinin:
Developing Russia-India Economic Ties Under New Circumstances