Accordingly, political visions will remain primarily capable of creating a supportive environment for the formation and consolidation of a qualitative critical mass of real knowledge capital, which in principle must be based on:
The philosophy of science and the social contract that supports the rule of law and respect for diversity.
Political, cultural and economic modernization.
In light of the above, and far from the vanquished's fondness for imitating the victor, it is necessary to emphasize ...
... University in Rize
Turkey is among non-regional actors in the Arctic. Though the country hasn’t published an Arctic strategy as a separate official document, it still has the vision, interests and goals in the region, as well as a well-established Polar science and research program. Rabia Kalfaoglu, Assistant Professor of IR at Recep Tayyip Erdogan University in Rize, Türkiye, highlights Turkey’s Arctic and Polar policy and cooperation with Russia ai the region.
What are Turkey’s interests and ...
... technological development that India is focused on?
Regarding technological development, if you were to look at it generally, there is a wish list that you want to achieve. The question is, do you have the skillset? What are your strengths in fundamental science? What are your strengths in applied sciences? So, the areas that India is definitely looking at is AI, quantum computing and quantum encryptions, 5d/6d telecommunication systems, biotechnologies, etc. Also, I should mention semiconductors, which ...
... methodology. Accordingly, even despite their interdisciplinary nature, these subjects have been affected by challenges encountered in history as a branch of learning.
Vasily Kuznetsov:
The Middle East: Postmodernism Is Over
In the 1990s, Russian historical science abandoned Marxism, yet failed to immediately develop revised theoretical and methodological foundations that would go beyond pure “descriptivism” [
] (even though it did make limited use of interdisciplinarity) and positivist adherence to ...
... Debates”
abandoning any challenges to metatheoretical foundations of the discipline. The idea of their scientific futility led to the growing acceptance of theoretical relativism associated with the transition of IR studies to the stage of “normal science” (as Kuhn understood it).
Meanwhile, this period witnessed the unfolding of the newest “great controversy,” equal in importance (or perhaps superior in what was really at stake) to the aforementioned debates. It put under question not just ...
On December 24, 2021 the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASS) held a closing event of 2021 — the final seminar of the joint series, dedicated to most relevant issues on the bilateral agenda
On December 24, 2021 the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences ...
The presentation of RIAC report on the same topic was held within the framework of the conference
On December 22, 2020, an online conference on the new horizons of Russia’s science diplomacy was held at the International Multimedia Press Center MIA "Rossiya Segodnya" (Russia Today). The presentation of
RIAC report
on the same topic was held within the framework of the conference.
The conference was attended by: ...
On March 6, 2020, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) held a methodological seminar "Practice Oriented Research in the Field of Russia-US and Russian-European Studies". The event was organized as part of a joint project with the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech, and the Hague Center for Strategic Studies.
On March 6, 2020, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) held a methodological seminar "Practice Oriented Research in the Field of Russia-US...
..., in particular, to the prospects of developing relations in the field of artificial intelligence.
From Russia:
S. Luzyanin, Dr. of History (Head); А. Kortunov, Ph.D. in History; A. Karneev, Ph.D. in History; V. Petrovsky, Dr. of
Political Science; V. Kashin, Ph.D. in Political Science; I. Denisov; Т. Makhmutov, Ph.D. in Political Science; A. Larionov,
Ph.D. in Public Administration; Y. Kulintsev; К. Kuzmina
From China:
Prof. Zhao Huasheng (Head); Liu Huaqin, Ph.D. in Economics; Prof....
One of the main reasons behind the unawareness of the processes that are unfolding in the neighboring country is the lack of effective communication
Since 2014, Russia–Ukraine relations has persistently been one of the most painful issues on Russia’s international agenda, and one that has not lent itself to more or less impartial expert assessments. It is safe to say that it is this lack of research and real knowledge about one another that led to the conflict in the first place. In order to rebuild...