... parallels between the actions of Georgia’s president and protesters and the 2021 Capitol insurrection in the U.S. In Moldova, the elections were held worse than ever, with the Western diaspora playing the decisive role, yet the results were immediately recognized ... ..., even governments that support European integration are no longer willing to be a revolving door for transnational “civil society.” Standards and rules provide less and less protection to anyone. Tomorrow, your government may face demands for another ...
The presidential elections in the United States will determine the future of international relations and become a prologue for a post-Westphalian ... ... fundamentally about values: a clash of ideological trends, worldviews, and ultimately conceptions of human nature, one’s place in society, and one’s goals and responsibilities.
The phenomenon of Donald Trump’s popularity, which represents the hopes of ...
... voters, and the presence of such an influential figure, who had no personal interest in a political career, helped Georgian society achieve a peaceful and democratic transfer of power. People believed that their lives would be better under Ivanishvili ... ... bowed to Western demands on issues where it did not see a threat to itself:
phasing out
of the majority vote in parliamentary elections, which was
in the new Constitution;
Saakashvili’s former Foreign Minister Salome Zourabichvili,...
Pakistan remains in a state of political instability
Despite the fact that a week has passed since Pakistan’s general elections, it is still unknown who exactly will form the government. The latest round of political instability, triggered by the motion of no confidence against the then Prime Minister Imran Khan in April 2022 and then accelerated by his recent imprisonment,...
... pre-election program "Fair Kazakhstan is for everyone and for everyone. Now and Forever." One of his first orders was to hold elections "with the establishment of the parliament and maslikhats on the basis of the new electoral system, on party lists ... ... will be accompanied by serious internal challenges, the main of which seems to be the rapid fragmentation of the nation’s society, the emergence and growth of rifts in the sphere of language, economic activity, lifestyle and standard of living. First ...
... to counter Beijing’s growing economic activity in, say, Latin America or Africa.
Of course, the main potential threats to international leadership lie within the US itself. Therefore, the current political priorities manifested during the midterm elections (inflation, crime, migration, etc.) speak more to the common sense and pragmatism of Americans than to an increasingly isolationist sentiment in society. The fundamental problem in the US is not even some specific manifestation of current economic and social malaise, but that American society remains divided: right-wing factions are growing stronger in the Republican Party and left-wing factions ...
... favour settlement of conflicts through compromise and reject violence as a means of political struggle.
Simultaneously, Iranian society is gradually moving away from material values toward post-material ones; this process is characterized by
increased attention
... ... limit individual choice and political preferences. Iran is unique in that today’s political forms and procedures (holding elections, appointing candidates to offices, etc.) incorporate both the Shia tradition and the imperial legacy.
Alexey Khlebnikov:
... election. Although the Kremlin has denied any direct interference in American domestic politics, and will likely maintain this convenient if implausible position, Vladimir Putin has indeed conceded that “patriotic hackers” may have meddled in US elections, but by the same token insisted implausibly that these “hacktivists” were not sponsored by the Russian state. Therefore, the question of Russian meddling in US elections remains widely recognized, yet officially unresolved. This is a significant ...