Search: Society,Media (8 materials)

RIAC and RAS Institute for African Studies Hold Roundtable Discussion “Information and Cultural Sovereignty of Sahel Countries Amid Global Transformation Processes”

... opportunities for information cooperation and Russia’s scientific and educational diplomacy toward the Sahel nations. The roundtable discussion brought together experts from academia, scientific and educational centers, non-governmental organizations and the media. The participants received an address from Russian lower house lawmaker and coordinator of interparliamentary group on interaction with the parliaments of Mali and Burkina Faso D.I. Saveliev. RIAC will continue examining the situation in the region ...


Challenges of Shaping the Image of Russia in Africa Discussed at RIAC Round Table

... Russia's image in Africa and analyzing tools and approaches for its improvement and development. The participants of the discussion stated that serious challenges in the Russian information policy for Africa did exist, along with the absence of a long-term media agenda and a narrative adapted for different African states in the field of Russian-African relations. At the same time, experts noted that Russia has soft power tools with beneficial effect on creating an attractive image of Russia in Africa, including ...


The Media System Within and Beyond the West: Australian, Russian and Chinese Media

... Bulletin of Moscow University , no. 6. (2009): 114–31. Retrieved from . Jones, Paul K., and Michael Pusey. " Political Communication and 'Media System': The Australian Canary". Media, Culture & Society 32, no. 3 (2010): 451-71. . Keane, John. The Media and Democracy . Cambridge, MA: Polity in association with Basil Blackwell, 1991. Oates, Sarah. Television, Democracy, and Elections in Russia . Basees/Routledge ...


Conspiracy Theories, Fake News and Disinformation. Why There’s So Much of It and What We Can Do About it

... how Ukrainian soldiers crucified a child in front of its mother's eyes. Later, this story was proved to be fake, and there was neither a killed child, nor shocked mother. Still, the story went viral. It had reached a much broader audience on social mediathan it did on television. The authors refer to that story as "an example of Kremlin-backed disinformation campaign." The authors of the report continued to state that " in subsequent years, similar tactics would again be unleashed ...


From Russia with Love: Controversy Around the Russian Aid Campaign to Italy

... the Russian aid campaign, it is of interest to observe how the same information has been presented by the two respective governments. While in Russia the press focused on the gratitude shown by the Italian people for the assistance received, in Italy, media appeared more critical, questioning the implications of the campaign. More specifically, La Stampa, one of the longest-selling and oldest newspapers on the peninsula, expressed its doubts about the matter, in particular through the work of the journalist ...


Recognizing Crimea — A Logical First Step to Better Improve Russia-U.S. Relations

... today’s geopolitical climate, tensions can escalate quickly. All it takes is disinformation or a lack of context to irritate international relations. There is more than enough blame to go around for the state of current affairs. That being said, the media is particularly responsible for where we are at. Their profound ability to frame and string together events in order to fit their narrative is remarkably effective. All media is narrative. There is always a good guy and a bad guy; to validate your ...


Issues of Media Credibility in the New Technological Conditions Discussed at the Central House of Journalists

... publication. Olga Alekseeva noted that in the conditions of instant dissemination of information, journalists have no time to verify the facts. Today's small talks are conducted in social networks. According to Alekseeva, fake information is interesting to society and there is a demand for it. The speaker gave examples of media specializing in posting fake news as part of the infotainment strategy. Vyacheslav Umanovsky, Director of The Central House of Journalists, continued the discussion on the narrative raised by Timofeev, the definitions used (for example, different ...


Alexei Venediktov: Russia Weakened by Absence of Competition and Isolation

... the 21st century, but Russia is trying to do just that. What issues and subjects are hushed up or poorly covered by Russian media? There is no discussion of the fallout of the Russia-Ukraine affair, the accumulation of socio-emotional problems between ... ... conflict disappear (with Crimea remaining as is), this newfound enmity toward Russia has already put down deep roots in Ukrainian society and elites. The focus is on momentary things like movements of forces, Mariupol, Donetsk and Minsk accords, but all these ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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