Big changes are coming to the global information sphere, and the Telegram founder’s standing is a canary in the coal mine
The arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, when he had decided to take a little trip to Paris, has caused a stir in various spheres – from the business and tech world to media and politics....
... with representatives of the IT sector. This in turn compels the representatives of mail services, messaging apps, and smartphone manufacturers to contact the authorities and disclose user information. However, excesses do occur, and the founder of the
messaging app Pavel Durov refused to provide the FSB with their encryption keys.
repeatedly accused
of being the messaging application of terrorists, and in the context of the messaging service’s being blocked, the discussion ...
... effect that it had on public opinion in the United States.
Interestingly, around the same time that this was happening in the United States, a similar story was unfolding in Russia in connection with the Russian social network and messenger service Telegram. A distinguishing feature of Telegram is that is uses a unique algorithm that is practically impervious to decryption by the intelligence services and thus prevents them from accessing secret communications. This is clearly an advantage of the ...