Search: UNSC (21 material)


Ivan Timofeev Takes Part in an Informal Meeting of the UN Security Council on the Humanitarian Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures

On November 25, 2024, members of the UN Security Council held an informal Arria-formula meeting on the topic “The Humanitarian Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures” On November 25, 2024, members of the UN Security Council held an informal Arria-formula meeting on the topic “The Humanitarian Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures.” At the meeting, delegates outlined their countries’ positions on the legitimacy of unilateral coercive measures, their compliance with international law and the impact...


When “Iron Swords” Return to Their Sheaths

Perhaps, the notion that the established two-state paradigm has no workable alternatives needs to be clarified or even revisited? Six months have passed since we saw another escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following a massive Hamas terror attack on October 7, 2023. After Palestinian militants killed some 1,200 Israeli civilians and took 253 others as hostages, Israel launched Operation Iron Swords in the Gaza Strip. The operation has proven to be more complex, costly and time-consuming...


Positions of BRICS Nations on UN Security Council Reform

... Security Council. Thus, the Johannesburg Declaration-II, adopted on August 23, 2023 as an outcome of the 15 th summit of BRICS, expresses support for the reform of the UN, including the Security Council. For the first time, the BRICS document endorses the UNSC reform through expanded representation of developing countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America (including Brazil, India and South Africa) in all categories of membership, which implies permanent seats on the UNSC. In this regard, it can be assumed ...


UN-doing Sanctions: The Significance of Russia’s Mali Veto

What might Russia’s veto mean in its approach to implementing and expressing its foreign policy within the UNSC? On August 30, 2023, the UN Security Council (UNSC) voted on extending its sanctions regime against Mali. These measures aimed to renew a travel ban and asset freeze imposed by Resolution 2374 against eight individuals who had been found to “obstruct ...


Dis-United Nations and Conceptual Mazes of the New World Order

How to kickstart strategic dialogue between Russia and the United States, given the collapse of all official channels and communication systems? A plethora of fora organized by international institutions this fall, above all by the United Nations with its “ministerial week” involving heads of states and governments and foreign ministers, is a suitable occasion to explore the prospects of a new international order. Or, perhaps, this could be a good chance to transform the existing system of international...


United States in the UN: Bound for Dismantling the Mutual Control of Great Powers

... endowed with substantial extra powers. Critics of the consensus principle among the permanent members sought to narrow the scope of the veto. In particular, attempts have been made to carve out some international conflicts from the jurisdiction of the UNSC by placing primary responsibility for their settlement on the relevant regional structures. In 2013, France initiated a discussion on the need for the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to voluntarily waive their veto rights in situations ...


'Red Lines' on Ukraine, Ties With China and More

... inadmissibility of revising the Minsk accords, which are the uncontested basis for resolving the situation. The U.S. has the resources to stimulate [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky to implement the Minsk agreements, which were approved by the UNSC Resolution 2202 and are legally binding. By the way, many U.S. experts have started to put it clear: Kiev openly sabotages the Agreements, refrains from engaging in a direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk. For Russia, the ongoing militarization ...


Addis-Ababa Welcomes Russian Investment Looking Forward to Upcoming Russia–Africa Summit

Interview with Alemayehu Tegenu Aargau, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Moscow The Russian International Affairs Council invited Ethiopia’s ambassador to Russia, His Excellency Alemayehu Tegenu Aargau, to talk about the current developments taking place in his home country, outlining the prospects of bilateral relations between Moscow and Addis-Ababa. The questions for the interview have been prepared by Ivan Loshkarev, Research Fellow at the Center for the Study of Political Elites, Lecturer at the Department...


Time for a Consolidated Russian-Chinese Approach to Modernize and Reform UN

The United Nations is much bigger than its Security Council, all the importance of UNSC notwithstanding When it comes to reforms of the United Nations, it is indispensable for China and Russia, as long-time UN champions and supporters, to take the lead in promoting bottom-up approach to UN reforms. Moscow and Beijing have already ...


International Relations Amid the Pandemic

We are all facing a stark choice: either unite against new challenges or become hostage to the various extremists and adventurers We could rest assured that COVID-19 will be defeated, sooner rather than later. The excessive angst and fear we currently feel will gradually subside, while our science will find effective antidotes so that people could look back on the pandemic years as a ghastly dream. At the same time, it is also clear that a post-pandemic world will be quite different to the world...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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