Search: USA,ASEAN (22 materials)


ASEAN - US Cooperation - Friends with All, Foes with None: Working with all to facilitate Inclusion of Special Needs People

... superpowers. Furthermore, at request, ASEAN has been open to dialogue and cooperation with Taiwan. Most ASEAN member nations have a representative office of Taiwan on their soil for trade and people-to-people exchanges, education and mobility reasons. ASEAN-USA Collaboration for Inclusion of Special Needs People According to the Pew Research Center in 2022, there were about 42.5 million people in the United States with a disability, which is about 13% of the civilian non-institutionalised population. This ...


Greater Eurasia: Challenges and Hypotheses

... of all, there are the countries of the Middle East and Southeast Asia. In the first case, we are witnessing a serious restructuring of the entire balance of power in the region, and in the second case, a weakening of the previous integration centers (ASEAN) and an increase in the pressure that the growing because the fundamental conflict between China and the United States is exerting on countries. Since the autumn of 2023, Israel, with full support from the West, has entered into an energetic struggle ...


Decades of Wars?

... but which are one of the most dangerous possible sources of a thermonuclear conflict. In the meantime, we need hundreds of Indologists, dozens of experts on Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian and Africa countries, and, of course, thousands more Sinologists. More attention must be paid to ASEAN as part of the Greater Eurasia strategy. ASEAN is more than just markets and pleasant vacation destinations. It is a region where serious conflicts may erupt within a decade, especially since the retreating United States is still interested in their ...


Russia, Greater Eurasia and Modern International Politics

... inherent in the nature of the CIS, and developing Eurasian economic integration amid new conditions as well as its interaction with ASEAN countries. Ultimately, Russia is already at the centre of a whole system of international institutions and partnerships,... ... West is significant. We absolutely do not know how the countries of the World Majority would behave in conditions where the USA and Europe launched an offensive against a weaker adversary: for example, against Iran or another country of a comparable ...


Total Revisionism of World Politics

... countries that built their strategy on preserving the existing order - in the West this is the European Union, in the East - the ASEAN economic bloc. In both cases, the very principle of the organisation of these groups and their philosophy do not allow for ... ... showing serious restraint and skilfully resolve their differences without bringing them into direct conflict. The fact that thousands of human lives become the price for general revisionism is a huge tragedy. But in conditions when a major conflict is impossible ...


India-US Entente: A Russian Perspective

... perspective on this, believing “the Indo-Pacific” to be an opportunity to expand its political and economic presence east of the Strait of Malacca. As far as this standpoint goes, the central place in the emergent mega-region is assigned to the ASEAN nations rather than the U.S. Obviously, India will not give up on fostering closer ties with its numerous partners in the Asia-Pacific, ranging from Japan and South Korea in the north up to Australia and New Zealand to the south, and this will be ...


Key change on the back of China’s initiatives is the emergence of a credible alternative

... case it is more inclusive, open and balanced with respect to the interests of developed and developing economies. GT: Southeast Asia has become an important venue for multilateral cooperation this year, a year that you have called "the Year of ASEAN centrality." Can you elaborate on what role ASEAN has played in the G20 and the world? Lissovolik: ASEAN is at the heart of a region of the global economy that is demonstrating some of the highest growth rates in the world. The share of ASEAN ...


How Russia Must Reinvent Itself to Defeat the West’s ‘Hybrid War’

... the context of rebuilding foreign economic relations and creating a new model of the global order, the most important directions are cooperation with world powers – China and India as well as Brazil – and with leading regional players – Turkey, ASEAN countries, the Gulf states, Iran, Egypt, Algeria, Israel, South Africa, Pakistan, Argentina, Mexico and others. It is in these areas, rather than in traditional Euro-Atlantic arenas, that the main resources of diplomacy, foreign economic relations,...


The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity: America’s Answer to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership?

... additional contracts . This is precisely what happened with China’s trade agreement with Hong Kong, which covered a limited number of service industry sectors and investment in 2004, as well as with Beijing’s agreement with Macau. The agreement with ASEAN evolved in a similar manner. Importantly, China has stayed true to this integration course for two decades. The RCEP may very well evolve in the same way. While it is true that there are no fundamentally new agreements within this partnership in ...


Taking (Another) Turn to the East: Making Sense of Russia’s Stance in the Asia-Pacific

... military one. In the ongoing developments, China, on its part, has been struggling to balance on a fine line between avoiding accusations of directly helping Russia and sticking to its commitment that a strategic partnership presupposes. On the conceptual ... ... such areas is the interest in relatively inexpensive opportunities to train specialists and engineers in Russia. The idea of ASEAN centrality could also facilitate the acceptance of Russia in the Southeast Asian subregion, which forms the core of the ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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