... exploitation of the nation’s natural resources. Bolivia is rich in hydrocarbons, primarily natural gas, and holds the world’s largest lithium deposits, estimated at over 21 million tonnes. While the export of Bolivian hydrocarbons (mainly to neighboring Brazil and Argentina) remains a traditional revenue stream, the lithium industry is a relatively recent addition to the country’s foreign economic priorities. Lithium nationalization in 2008 gave a start to the development of Bolivia’s deposits, but ...
... also evidenced by the existence in the 19th century of the Empire of Brazil, which then also included Uruguay. The nature of Brazil, which covers a large part of the continent, is that of a large state – not by chance federal – projected like all ... ... great contemporary states towards the future of large political and spatial aggregations. Today, states of this type are the USA, the People's Republic of China and Russia, demonstrating the importance of geographical dimensions in this particular historical ...
... signature moment, to get reduced to New Delhi’s moral hectoring and sense of taboo, over the apparent dearth of democratization across Latin America. It fell to Dr. Manmohan Singh, to break the yawning inexplicable hiatus in sojourns when he traveled to Brazil for the BRICS Summit in 2006. While Indian Presidents have frequented the region over the past decade, covering a wide gamut of countries including those lack incandescence across Central and South America, quintessentially reciprocating the steady ...
... leading to Moscow still remain, although they might not be quite as straight.
In a recent interview, Mourão said he did not understand the point of an accelerated rapprochement between Brazil and Israel. It directly contradicted the idea of opening Brazil’s embassy in Jerusalem, which Bolsonaro proposed in support of a similar move by Trump. In the same
, he quite unexpected asked, “Are we ready to pay any price to be fans of the Americans?”
Could Russia consider such statements as an invitation to engage ...
... inclusive multilateral trading system” to barbs intended for the President of the United States on specific issues, such as the refusal to approve new members of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization. The already “mature” BRICS format entails ... ... World Health Organization’s Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Tuberculosis held in Moscow, the World Water Forum in Brazil, the Vaccine Research and Development Center and matters related to outer space – that is, everything that was not listed ...
... China is an unwelcome competitor which threatens the US hegemony and must therefore be weakened. India is a new power that strives to establish contacts with the West. The West, in its turn, is also flirting with India. After the change of government Brazil seems to have taken “the right path,” but it remains economically troubled. As regards South Africa, given its domestic problems, it should not be considered as a full-fledged actor in the global geopolitics.
REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui ...
... it signed the
Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Antarctic
with the United States to signify its partial refusal to consult on the Antarctic with the Latin American states. Meanwhile, the Antarctic may serve for Moscow for a tradeoff ... ... Antarctic.
Fourth, Russia could win more allies for resolving Arctic issues, primarily the Latin American states of Chile, Brazil, and Argentina. Consultations with New Zealand also appear likely, given the broadly positive nature of the bilateral relationship ...
... the group a key player in the global food security regime. But they did. Now the world is waiting.
From a moral and business ethics perspective the effort makes sense and can add value to the BRICS brand.
But success depends on China, India and Brazil, who are impacted by drought and infrastructure problems that step on their economic performance. And Russia is dealing with a sanctions regime that includes food, orchestrated by Washington and its European allies.
BRICS food security. A slow ...
... BRICS are destined to remain a micro, rather than a macro alliance.
Looking at the statistics below, the BRICS appear to dominate the world's basic iron ore and basic steel producers.
Top 10 Iron Ore Producing Nations
1 China
2 Australia
3 Brazil
4 India
5 Russia
6 Ukraine
7 South Africa
9 Kazakhstan
10 Iran
Top Steel Producers 2013 in millions of crude tons
Arcelor Mittal Luxembourg 96 million tons
Nippon Steel-Sumitomo Japan 50.1
Hebei Group China 45.8
Bao Steel Group China 43.9
Wuhan Steel Group China 39.3
Posco S.Korea 38.4
... recent leaks over data collection programs conducted by the United States that have drawn the ire of citizens and governments everywhere. Some correspondents were preparing tough questions to ask Kerry about the “spying.” After all, O Globo, Brazil’s largest media organization, did use maverick American journalist Glenn Greenwald to stir up nationalist sentiment over what was not direct “spying” or “casing” of individuals, but simply raw data collection that ...