The presidential elections in the United States will determine the future of international relations and become a prologue for a post-Westphalian system of inter-civilizational dialogue
Russia, Europe, and America: Towards a Post-Westphalian World Order
The transformation ...
Given that American foreign policy today is largely burdened with containing
, an active anti-Iranian policy may face a lack of resources. Therefore, Trump’s victory will be undesirable for Tehran.
The outcome of the US presidential elections has very little significance for Russia. The elections are also unlikely to fundamentally change the course of American foreign policy towards China. However, for Iran, the outcome of the elections is of greater importance. A victory for Kamala ...
... structure of relations between Russia and the West. Generally speaking, Moscow should not care who exactly the US elects as president. The figure of the president is unlikely to play a big role in Russian-American relations.
Trump's victory in the 2016 elections was greeted with applause in Moscow. At that time, Russian-American relations had already been undermined by accumulated contradictions, with the issue of Ukraine at the forefront. At the time, it seemed that the situation was still reversible....
... inevitable reduction in export revenues and the degradation of the oil industry.
Signs of changes began to appear in 2022. In November 2022, following an agreement on negotiations between the government of Nicolas Maduro and the opposition on the 2024 elections, the United States began to reduce sanctions pressure. The US Treasury issued two general licenses that introduced some exceptions to the sanctions regime. In particular, the American company Chevron received permission to engage in the limited ...
US approaches to Russia should be seen in the broader context of US foreign policy
“All the world’s a stage,” proclaimed the hero of a Shakespearean comedy. If we follow this metaphor, presidential elections in America are always a multi-act drama, often turning into a melodrama with elements of tragicomedy and even farce. Major and minor characters perform on the political stage, sudden plot twists are punctuated by various special effects, and ...
In the midst of growing anti-American, anti-NATO and anti-Western sentiments in Turkey, the development of collaboration with Russia in all areas looks a win-win option
The next presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey are scheduled for May 14, 2023. The voting will take place amid a challenging socioeconomic environment, aggravated by the aftermath of February’s natural disasters. Deadlines for a number of promising projects have been pushed back,...
... international leadership lie within the US itself. Therefore, the current political priorities manifested during the midterm elections (inflation, crime, migration, etc.) speak more to the common sense and pragmatism of Americans than to an increasingly ... ... States, whether it concerns productions from Hollywood or the science programs of American universities. The position of the USA in international institutions (especially when it comes to their bureaucracy, which represents a kind of global deep state) ...
The new emphasis on China will not change the US position on Ukraine, but it might affect the foreign policy discourse in Washington
Foreign policy matters seldom set the US midterm election agenda. The midterm elections of 2022 were no exception from this general rule: American voters turned out to be primarily concerned about such emotional and highly divisive domestic issues as inflation, abortion, immigration, violent crime and climate change. Of course,...
... awaiting the moment when sympathetic rhetoric from Biden and his team towards the European allies will take the shape of some concrete deeds.
This caution is well founded, as in 2021 Angela Merkel is vacating the post of Chancellor and Germany will have elections. Moreover, for Berlin the change of the host in the White House does not mean that the problem with the final stage of construction of Nord Stream 2 will somehow ease. This project was the apple of discord between Germany and the US under Trump,...
... the federal electoral process. Standardizing the election will bring more fairness and clarity—and less controversy and chaos.
A major source of the chaos that has followed this year's race is the fact that each state has its own rules concerning elections. How you can vote and when you can vote depends on the state you're in. This means there are unequal opportunities to vote, as some states have more days and fewer barriers to voting than others. It also leads to misguided accusations of voter fraud based on citizens misunderstanding the election process in states different from their own.
There is no reason someone in Pennsylvania should have more or fewer opportunities to vote than someone in Georgia. And likewise, there ...