Search: USA,Strategic stability (35 materials)


Nuclear Doctrine and Strategic Stability

... The issue gained even greater urgency following the victory of Republican candidate Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election in November. These developments will have a tangible impact on the prospects for nuclear arms control, the arms race, strategic stability and the likelihood of nuclear war. Nuclear weapons in Russia’s Military Doctrine The Stabilizing “Basic Principles”: Moscow Reduces Options for Pre-Nuclear Escalation. Russia’s leading experts on the new Russia’s nuclear ...


Disarmament in History and at Present: Theory vs. Practice

... ponimanie i puti ukrepleniya mnogostoronnei strategicheskoi stabil’nosti [New understanding and the ways to enhance multilateral strategic stability]. (In Russ.) Khrushchev, S.N. (1994). Nikita Khrushchev: ... ... Weapons Spending, But What Does It Really Get Us? The Equation. The Union of Concerned Scientists. 02.08.2023. 28 Russia later revisited those projects ...


Escalation Signaling in Ukraine and Its Implications for the Strategic Russia-US Relationship

... crisis that heightened the risk of a direct military confrontation between the two nuclear-capable states. Russia’s and the USA’s escalation strategies and potential nuclear escalation risks In June 2020, Russia and the U.S. agreed on expert-level ... ... of recurrent bilateral interactions. Although Russia has rejected the recent U.S. proposal to resum e systematic dialogue on strategic stability and arms control, both states should continue to seek other opportunities—whether as a track-1.5 format ...


Nuclear Metamorphoses

... killing a hundred million people in a few hours of nuclear exchange and destroying everything built by man over the last thousand years in the Northern Hemisphere, turning the rest of humanity into a Neanderthal state. The prevention of such an ignominious ... ... ponimanie i puti ukrepleniya mnogostoronnei strategicheskoi stabil'nosti [New understanding and the ways to enhance multilateral strategic stability]. (In Russ.) . Karaganov, S.A., & Suslov, D.V....


The Impact of Missile Defense Systems Development on Strategic Stability Discussed within ISCRAN — CISAC Expert Russian-American Dialogue

... Russian-American dialogue between the Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISCRAN) and CISAC was held On May 16, 2023, a regular meeting of the bilateral expert Russian-American dialogue between the Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISCRAN) and CISAC was held. The discussion focused on the impact of missile defense systems development on strategic stability, as well as possible coordinated actions of the member states of the "Nuclear Club" (P5) to reduce the risks of nuclear war. The event was hosted by Sergey Rogov, Academic Director of RAS Institute for the U.S. and Canadian ...


Multilateral Nuclear Confidence-Building Measures Discussed within High-Level International Expert Group

... to the trends in the development of world politics in the context of acute recent crises. The session addressed the issues of strategic stability in the face of the collapse of the former bilateral Russia-the U.S. system of control over strategic arms,... ... confidence-building measures in the nuclear sphere were also touched upon. Leading international researchers from China, the USA, France, Great Britain, Italy, Ukraine, and Russia took part in the work of the expert group. Russia is represented in the ...


Factors Influencing the Dynamics of Strategic Stability Discussed within ISKRAN - CISAC Expert Russian-American Dialogue

... CISAC meeting, the bilateral expert Russian-American dialogue, was held On March 21, 2023, a regular ISKRAN and CISAC meeting, the bilateral expert Russian-American dialogue, was held. The discussion focused on the factors influencing the dynamics of strategic stability in the context of acute regional crises, the ongoing nuclear arms race, the aggravation of the challenges of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and the lack of full-fledged communications between nuclear powers. The event was hosted ...


The Nuclear Triad: Alternatives from the Days Gone By and Possible Futures

Working Paper No. 68/2022 Working Paper No. 68/2022 The first atomic bomb was designed almost eight decades ago. Since then, the nuclear factor has become one of the game-changers in international relations. The possession of nuclear weapons has become especially important in modern times, as discussions of the fatal destructiveness the use of atomic weapons for all mankind have reintensified. There is increasing speculation on this topic in the international arena. Nevertheless, there is no doubt...


Nuclear War — a Hypothetical Scenario or a Real Threat? RIAC Urban Breakfast

... 1970–1980, when there was a possibility of an open military clash between the armies of several countries (several hundred thousand people), now there is no need for its use. In addition, the consequences of using tactical nuclear weapons are completely ... ... deterrence and non-proliferation. It is necessary to identify the unit of measurement of the effectiveness of deterrence and strategic stability. Quantitative parities are not something to rely on today and beyond. Nuclear weapons are politicized weapons....


A Military Response to Russians’ Infernal Question

... starting point for negotiations on the serious issues—the United States has demonstrated will to do so, at least with regard to strike weapons, military exercises near Russia’s borders—Russia will nevertheless be unable to neglect the flat-out refusal it encountered on the issues that were declared vital to its interests. In the event that Russia receives no sufficient diplomatic guarantees enshrined in legally-binding documents, Moscow—as we can glean from statements made by some of Russia’s ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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