The process of lifting sanctions will be slow, and the legal mechanisms of unilateral US sanctions against Syria may remain in force for years and decades, despite political changes
The change of power in Syria raises the question of possible changes to the US sanctions regime against the country. Over the past two decades, Syria has been among the countries ...
The era of great-power dominance is fading. Moscow’s future lies in mastering regional diplomacy
In 2015, when the Russian Armed Forces launched a military operation in Syria, it marked a turning point in the post-Soviet era. The collapse of the USSR had caused a dramatic decline in Russia’s international standing. For two and a half decades after 1991, Moscow worked to regain lost status, prestige, and influence on ...
... crisis. The problem is that while domestic oil demand is 3 million barrels per month, only 300,000 barrels are produced in government-controlled territories
The rest of the oil is produced in the Kurdish AASIS (Autonomous Administration of Northeast Syria) zone. After the USA, occupying this zone, imposed a de facto embargo on oil supplies from there for Damascus, there is a severe shortage of fuel in the areas under government control. The shortage is compensated by oil supplies from Iran and partly from Russia.
New non-military ...
Damascus and Ankara sharing more and more interests
The leaders of Syria and Turkey have recently made frequent public declarations of their readiness to start the process of normalizing bilateral relations soon, with Russia as a mediator. Syrian President Bashar Assad, while receiving Russian President's Special Envoy ...
Recent developments indicate improving Syrian-Turkish relations, aiming for regional stability, security cooperation and economic partnerships
Over the past years, Syrian-Turkish relations have experienced significant fluctuations, ranging from tension and hostility to recent attempts at ...
... Russia’s gold exports to the Emirates in 2022 totaled 75.7 tons or $4.3 billion.
Another important factor shaping the Middle East’s approach to international relations is Turkey’s foreign policy. Particularly important, is Turkey’s position on Syria prior to the presidential elections in May 2023, and the new aspects it has now acquired following the victory of incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Judging by the leadership’s recent steps, Turkey wants to maintain continuity with its ...
Syria’s return to the League of Arab States (LAS) will remain symbolic unless economic relations are restored, at least on a regional scale...
In the run-up to the May summit of the League of Arab States (LAS), regional media and experts are speculating ...
... indicator in the current difficult economic situation, but it may not be enough for Erdogan’s coalition to win the upcoming elections. Perhaps, that was the reason why the Turkish authorities were going to launch military operations against Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Another successful operation, which could have resulted in a crushing blow to the plans of a “Syrian Kurdistan,” could have strengthened the position of Erdogan and his party on the eve of the upcoming elections. In the meantime,...
... been defeated, there are still sleeper cells in the Syrian desert. According to the UN, there are between 6,000 and 10,000 ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq, not counting the present representatives from other organizations. Additionally, there are thousands of terrorists in Syrian prisons (including those controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces), which are becoming breeding grounds for jihadist ideas.
Moreover, the risk of escalation between individual countries still remains. There is a U.S. military base, Al-Tanf, in ...
For the past year or two, the situation in Syria has retreated into the shadow of global crises, all exacerbated by the standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine. The recent tragedy that befell Turkey and the five provinces in the neighboring Syria has once again drawn the attention of the international community not only to the loss of thousands of lives and colossal destruction but also to the extent to which these natural disasters may affect the prospects of national reconciliation in Syria and rapprochement between these two nations with a complex history of relations. While being ...