... Turkey itself, whose domestic political and economic future is not completely certain. The threat from America’s Eastern European allies is not a product of their own capabilities, but of the use of these territories as a base for American policy in Eurasia.
Summing up, we can say that while in the case of Ukraine and perhaps even the Baltic states, Russia is dealing with a consolidated adversary whose intentions towards us are determined by strategic circumstances, in the rest of the periphery the situation is not similar, even theoretically. Nowhere in ...
... capacity is what is on ample display today.
Mikhail Polianskii, Pascal Abb:
A New Sino-Russian Entente? Limits of Cooperation on Ukraine and Beyond
In the interest of a multipolar world, every bloc requires a counter-bloc, and the task before Russia may be ... ... less prolonged period. It will have to accept that its own Western character derives from its locus as the Western front of Eurasia. Russia is the only truly Eurasian state, containing both West and East within itself.
A viable Russian grand strategy ...
... common historical past that once linked the peoples of the USSR has ceased to be a uniting factor. On the contrary, as events in Ukraine, Moldova and Transcaucasia have shown, this past is becoming an object of heated debate and “memory wars”, which are ... ...
The Soviet and the Post-Soviet: An Inseparable Link
N. Roerich, Novgorod bargaining, 1920
Ivan Timofeev, Elena Alekseenkova:
Eurasian Geo-Economics: A View from Russia
The above questions are not as simple and straightforward as they may first appear....