Search: Uzbekistan (22 materials)


Ukrainian Crisis, Turkey and Eurasia: Who Wins?

... business may well return to Russia. Turkmenistan is likely to benefit tangibly from rising gas prices. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, on the contrary, may lose due to the reduction in the inflow of remittances from Russia due to the contraction of the market. Uzbekistan is more stable in this regard due to the larger scale of the economy. The Republic of Belarus will experience the impact of Western sanctions. In part, they will be offset by deepening trade ties with Russia. But due to the contraction of the ...


Moscow Is Still Central Asia’s Top Security Ally

... During the 1990s, a violent civil war struck Tajikistan, while the beginning of the new century started with the US military intervention in Afghanistan. Later on, new ethnic tensions mounted in the Fergana Valley, two revolutions erupted in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan was shocked by the Andjan massacre and by the rise of the Islamic Movement. A series of issues concerning Russia’s economic stability and national security arise not only because of the common historical past between Russia and the five -Stans....


The Paradoxes of Social and Economic Development in Central Asia

... continue, albeit at a slower pace. Unemployment continues to be an issue in all the countries of the region, affecting young people the most. According to official statistics, the unemployment rate ranges from 2.3 per cent in Tajikistan to 9.3 per cent in Uzbekistan, while the total number of jobless tops two million. Experts say the problem is much bigger, though, since a large share of unemployed people is unregistered, being classified as seasonal workers or self-employed, as well as migrating to find ...


Prospects for the Fight against Extremism and Terrorism in the Central Asian Region

... groups in the region cooperate, many of them fighting in Syria and Iraq. But the biggest threat to Central Asia’s security is the situation in Afghanistan, where the Taliban provide organisational and logistics support to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU). Despite sustaining a significant blow, with its main groups squeezed out of the region, it still maintains a presence in the form of underground groups that could become active at any time, joining forces with the radical Tajik opposition ...


Meeting with Uzbekistan MFA Representatives

On November 22, 2019, RIAC held a working meeting with Murad Uzakov, Manzura Khusnidinova, staff of Information Analytical Center for International Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, and Shakhriyor Khayriev, Third Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation. On November 22, 2019, RIAC held a working meeting with Murad Uzakov, Manzura Khusnidinova, staff of Information Analytical Center ...


Envisioning Opportunities for U.S.-Russia Cooperation in and with Central Asia

The Working Group on the Future of U.S.-Russia Relations’ Report Central Asia stands out as a comparatively “nontoxic” region where there are limited, but not insignificant, opportunities for U.S.-Russia collaboration both bilaterally and within multilateral frameworks: in the space industry, civil security, job-creation mechanisms and rural human capital, and knowledge sharing for instance. Any proposal of U.S.-Russia cooperation in a concrete domain will have to be made in a tri- or-multipartite...


Rise of China’s Export Credit Policy Insurance in Eurasia

... development finance—export credit agencies. The spearhead of China’s globalization 2.0 export credit agencies is China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, Sinosure. Sinosure is moving into Belt and Road economies such as Azerbaijian, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan with a clear mandate to underwrite state lending activities in the region. However lacking competition and without transparency, Sinosure can effectively write its own rules of the game, and ensure that China’s renminbi (RMB) is the currency ...


Evolution of Post-Soviet Space: Past, Present and Future: An Anthology

This publication includes 53 articles analysing the main development trends in the post-Soviet space – both the geopolitical region as a whole and the individual countries that make it up. The anthology consists of three sections: the first section is retrospective in nature and looks at the post-Soviet space 20 years after the collapse of the USSR; the second section analyses the current state of the former Soviet nations; and the third section provides a number of forecasts for the development...


Pakistan and Central Asian Republics

... and having geographical proximity with South Asia, CARs have acquired the extensive geo-political and geo-economic importance in the region. CARs include five republics of the former Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. All republics are land-locked and energy-rich.Pakistan and CARs share various religious and cultural commonalities. However, Islamabad has not cultivated close ties so far. Margins in mutual cooperation still exist. Even though Pakistan desires ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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