... can outline the most significant accomplishments of that period as well as the most important yet unaccomplished missions that Russia’s leadership will have to work on in the years and even decades to come.
Major Accomplishments
Aleksandr Dynkin:
World Order Transformation: Economy, Ideology, Technology
One of the most significant of Russia’s accomplishments over the last three and a half decades has been its ability to preserve strategic nuclear parity with the United States. In the early 1990s,...
... years. When examining the pulse of world affairs, the first striking feature is the demoralizing state of moral bankruptcy within the current international political order, which was established after World War II and then restructured into a unipolar world order following the Soviet Union’s demise. Indeed, this is not a new thread in the fabric of human existence. Once again, crude survival has overridden higher values and aspirations. In this sense, little has changed over the past years. It has ...
The presidential elections in the United States will determine the future of international relations and become a prologue for a post-Westphalian system of inter-civilizational dialogue
Russia, Europe, and America: Towards a Post-Westphalian World Order
The transformation of the current world order, frequently discussed by numerous experts and scholars as a “global restructuring,” is largely driven by a crisis in nation-states and the underlying cultural code of modern civilization. For ...
.... Adopting this logic, the fading global liberal order (GLO) may be defined similarly; it is neither global, nor liberal, nor orderly. The GLO is not global, as it protects the interests of the few by assisting in the rise of a hegemony and unipolar world order. The order exploits weak but resource-rich nations by colonizing them, providing certain states with opportunities to impose an ideology and values on others. It is not liberal, as it does not allow weak countries to choose their own paths ...
... activities engaging BRICS parliaments, universities and think tanks, civil society institutions and public movements of all kinds.
Timofey Bordachev:
BRICS Before the Kazan Summit: The Dialectic of Creation and Destruction Against the Backdrop of a New World Order
The fundamental challenge for BRICS summits is to gradually shift the focus from rather general political statements to specific proposals and solutions that reflect the fundamental interests of developing nations, which have long been underrepresented ...
... position of a narrow group of states, will be reduced to a minimum.
In these conditions, the international community and especially its leading states are constantly faced with the problem of choosing between two forms of interaction with the outgoing world order: destruction and creation. Both of these forms are in dialectical interaction with each other and it would be strange to think that there is an opportunity to pave a clear and simple path to a new, more just global order. Moreover, the opponents ...
... interaction with the ASEAN states.
Xu Changzhi
The report is in line with the highly changing global context and accurately reflects how Russian and Chinese experts view the new realities and prospects for Russian-Chinese co-operation in building a new world order.
We pay much attention to BRICS and the upcoming summit in Kazan, which is a very important international event at a time of geopolitical instability. China supports Russia's efforts during its chairmanship. BRICS has moved to a new stage ...
... international relations—multipolarity. [
] Contributing to the spirit of hope for a fair world, free of injustice and imperialism, the time is ripe for a new world—a multipolar world.
A Modus Vivendi Born Out of Dissatisfaction
Aleksandr Dynkin:
World Order Transformation: Economy, Ideology, Technology
A single wheel would not move the entire system of international relations, nor would unipolarity. Hence the urgent need for a multipolar world order [
] as a modus vivendi, which is fortifying ...
... constitutes an important basis for Sino-Russian international cooperation, while at the same time, the two countries have their own characteristics in interpreting the concepts, applying the policies and choosing the paths.
Aleksandr Dynkin:
World Order Transformation: Economy, Ideology, Technology
Multipolarity was the starting point of the Russian-Chinese consensus on international cooperation, i.e., the opposition to the unipolar structure of the world and the advocacy of a multipolar ...
It would be unrealistic to expect that the future world order will be free of conflict. The world will retain its diversity, with different potentials of countries and their competition
The concept of a
multipolar (or polycentric) world order
] was first coined by Academician Yevgeny Primakov ...