Search: World order,Globalization (13 materials)


The U.S. Election and the Post-Westphalian World

... technocratic dominance of corporations. The challenges of our time have brought to the fore the question of the post-Westphalian world order in global politics—whether it will be globalist or marked by a resurgence of nation-states and regional alliances.... ... development distinguishes the classical theorists of local civilizations from “globalists” and “cosmopolitans,” who view globalization as cultural-historical unification with the ultimate goal of creating a universal global civilization. Unlike globalists,...


Three Core Concepts of Sino-Russian International Cooperation

... process promoted by the BRICS Group, which, as many data show, has surpassed the G7 in terms of purchasing power parity, and its position in the world economy is still rising, thus giving it an increasing ability to shape and influence the process of globalization. International Order Ivan Timofeev: Ending Western Domination Is Key to the Emerging World Order. Here’s What Needs to Be Done to Achieve It International order building is the heart of the core concepts of Russian-Chinese international cooperation, to which all other concepts are ultimately subordinate in a certain sense. This concept ...


International Multilateralism in a Non-Hegemonic World

... interpretations of multilateralism, peculiarities of historical model of multilateralism in the second half of the 20th century, the effectiveness of international institutes and procedures, as well as the link connecting practical multilateralism and globalization. International Multilateralism in a Non-Hegemonic World , 4.6 Mb


The Vertical World: An Interview with Abishur Prakash

... advisory firm in Toronto, Canada. Abishur has worked with some of the largest companies in the world, including institutions and governments. He is also the author of five books, including his latest, “The World Is Vertical: How Technology Is Remaking Globalization.” Abishur has appeared in some of the world’s biggest media outlets, including CNBC, BBC, CNN and Fortune. The title of your book is “THE WORLD IS VERTICAL”. What prompted you to write such a book? What was your ultimate objective?...


Vodka or Cognac: Two Tastes of Global Politics

... to produce vodka, be it wheat, rye, potatoes or sugar beets; if high quality equipment is used and strict compliance with rigid technological standards is ensured, nothing of the original raw material remains in the end product. Andrey Kortunov: The World Order Crisis and the Future of Globalization Naturally, true connoisseurs of vodka claim that the quality of the drink heavily depends on water quality and the professional secrets of purification. When connoisseurs taste a good vodka, they note the highlights of wheat bread, rye ...


Modern World Order: Structural Realities and Great Power Rivalries

... International Affairs Council. (In Russ.) URL: (accessed 03.06.2021). Kosolapov N.A. 2002. Globalizatsiya: ot miroporyadka k mezhdunarodno-politicheskoi organizatsii mira [Globalization: From the World Order to the International Political Organization of the World]. – Ocherki teorii i metodologii politicheskogo analiza mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii [Essays on the Theory and Methodology of Political Analysis of International Relations]. Ed. by A....


The World Order Crisis and the Future of Globalization

... scenarios for the subsequent development of the international system. Alarmist forecasts, geopolitical antiquity, and even geopolitical eschatology have become the fad du jour . This work is a two-pronged attempt to correlate the current history of globalization (1990–2020) with the systemic world order crisis that has broken out this year and to put forward certain suppositions concerning the possible dynamics of globalization in the future. By “future,” we mean two temporal horizons. The nearest horizon (2020–2022) allows us to assess ...


The Mirages of Westphalia

... Hapsburgs’ hopes of establishing a “unipolar world” in Europe. Maybe the last thirty years that finally buried Washington’s claim to creating a global “unipolar world” are coming to an end with a new, revised and enlarged edition of the Westphalian world order? Yet, after the pandemic and the structural global economic crisis, the “return to Westphalia” concept needs at least some major qualifications. Are Nation States Really That Strong? Andrey Kortunov: What We've Learnt About Globalization First, the strengthening of nation states is far from ubiquitous. As a rule, states bolster their standing if they were strong prior to the current cataclysms. Hardly anyone will earnestly discuss a “Westphalian renaissance” in the Middle ...


What We've Learnt About Globalization

...? Three decades ago, most observers, including myself, believed that globalization would result in a fast and radical restructuring of the system of international institutions, legal norms, and foreign policy practices of individual states. However, globalization has not yet led to a revolution of the world order. The security institutions of the previous era (UN, NATO), as well as development institutions (IBRD, IMF, WTO), showed a high degree of sustainability, confining themselves only to cosmetic repairs of their priorities, procedures and operation ...


RIAC at 16th Beijing Forum

Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General, took part in the Forum and made a report on the changing perceptions of globalization processes in the modern world at the session on the new world order On November 1­–3, 2019, in Beijing, Peking University together with the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies co-hosted the 16th Beijing Forum. The Beijing Forum is one of the most representative ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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