Research Fellow, Russian Institute of Strategic Studies (RISS)
Ph.D. in History
Rector of the Urals Federal University named after the First Russian President B.N. Yeltsyn
Senior researcher, IFES, Russian Academy of Sciences
Director of Wider Europe Programme, European Council on Foreign Relations
Former Chairman of Indian Space Research Organization
Dr., Head of the Center for Comparative Eurasia Studies and Surveys, CEASS-Vienna
Post-graduate student in the Russia in the Asia-Pacific Region: Politics, Economy, Security international educational program at the Far Eastern State University
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at MGIMO-University Integration Processes Department
PhD in Political Science, Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied International Analysis, MGIMO University
PhD, Project Coordinator of “Greece, Cyprus, Egypt & Israel: Opportunities and Restrictions of a Mediterranean Coalition” Project at the International Relations Institute of Athens
PhD in Law, Associate Transparency International-R lawyer, Assistant Professor of the Moscow State Law Academy
Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic Studies (Azerbaijan)
Doctor of Economics, Senior Research Fellow and Professor at the Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Analyst in charge of Former Soviet Union and Balkans Desk at Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Internazionali
PhD Candidate in International Relations, specialist in Russian and Eurasian Affairs, Turkey
PhD in History, Visiting Researcher at Hosai University, Honorable Professor of Yamanashi University (Japan)
PhD Candidate, University of Otago, New Zealand
Ph.D. in Political Science, Director of the Applied Research Center and Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of World Politics at Lomonosov Moscow State University
Ph.D. in History, Scientific Advisor of The Evgeny Primakov Center for International Cooperation, Senior Research Fellow, Center for the Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
PhD candidate at Haifa University’s School of Political Sciences
Chair of the Iran Section, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor at the Department of World Economy, MGIMO University
PhD in Political Science, EU and CE policy department of the Institute of European Studies at MGIMO University
PhD in History, Sector Head at RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations
Counselor of the National Committee for BRICS Research
PhD in Political Science, Department of International Issues Applied Analysis of the MGIMO University
Research Fellow at the Center for Trade and Economic Integration at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, former Philippine Ambassador to the WTO in Geneva
Ph.D in History, Professor of MGIMO University, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
PhD in Economics Vice Dean of International Journalism Department; Associate Professor, Department of the World Economy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Senior Associate, Bedell Cristin, Singapore
Doctor of History, Professor, Comparative Political Studies Department of the MGIMO University
Poll conducted
In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements 33 (31%) U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity 30 (28%) U.S. wants to dissolve Russia 24 (22%) U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China 21 (19%)